Comunidades Digitais - Digital Communities - 28/09/2008
Instituto Bem Estar Brasil
Technical Community and Civil Society | The Americas | Brazil
This initiative is about how communities co-create and appropriate ICTs, combining technical, social and political practices at the local level to self-manage infrastructure and local digital services as a common good. Helping communities infoexcluded to create and maintain their own network and local digital services is a good alternative to reduce inequalities in access to information, freedom of expression and opportunities for local socioeconomic development, in the same time that rescues and strengthen the communitis cultural identities in the promotion of local contents, avoinding yet the massification of bubbles and fake news as you provide local communication means with free software and with total control of the community. In these areas, commercial operators' lack of interest in providing telecommunications services is visible under the conditions in which the community can use them, so the communities, with their demands and needs, end up solving these problems with their own hands.