Promotion of Community networks - 01/05/2020
Technical Community and Civil Society | The Americas | Brazil
CooLab was founded originally to develop installations, technology and awareness of community-based, self managed networks. We believe that this model creates opportunities for all those who are below the financial requirements of market connectivity options and those who want to take control of their data and the technology used to transport it. Community networks create a resilient and autonomous way to connect to the Internet, and as such we believe they are an important alternative, specially in times when the pandemic changes habits and economic arrangements around the world. Among the networks installed or supported by CooLab in Brazil are Portal Sem Porteiras in Monteiro Lobato, SP; Fumaça, RJ and Moinho, GO. We also work to raise awareness about the subject of community networks in pandemic times, attending virtual conferences and helping partners and other organizations in the process of understanding the needs for starting their networks, as a rolling support.