Affordability of communication services - A summary of initial findings - 18/12/2020
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | Europe | United Kingdom
Ensuring that people can access affordable communications services is a priority for OFCOM. Many people’s finances have changed significantly this year, with some facing particular challenges. Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic began, OFCOM has collected new information on the affordability of communications services. This is in addition to our usual monitoring and includes a monthly COVID-19 Affordability Tracker and information collected from communications providers on debt, disconnection and pricing. In this report, we present our initial findings on the affordability of major communications. To reflect the importance of people being able to access the internet, we pay particular attention to the affordability of fixed broadband and mobile-internet services. Our analysis focuses on those people who are most likely to be financially vulnerable and are therefore more likely to face issues with the affordability of services.