Digital Regulation: Driving growth and unlocking innovation - 06/07/2021
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | Europe | United Kingdom
As digital technologies underpin more and more of our economy, society and daily lives, we need to make sure the rules that govern them keep pace so we drive growth and unlock innovation. These technologies have been an incredible force for change — not least during the COVID-19 pandemic, where more people than ever before have been using them — but also in the way they boost prosperity and catalyse productivity across the economy. They have brought ground-breaking products and services into our homes and workplaces at remarkable speed, and the UK is leading the way in much of this. Alongside these huge opportunities, however, digital technologies also bring new and accelerated risks. As digital technologies play an increasingly systemic role, our regulatory systems need to adapt to the ways they can be exploited to threaten our critical infrastructure, fundamental human rights, and consumer choice. Now that we have exited the EU, we have a fresh opportunity to build on our world-leading regulatory regime by setting out a pro-innovation approach to regulating digital technologies - one that drives prosperity and builds trust in their use. A clear cross-government effort is vital in order to deliver on our three key objectives: 1-To drive growth, we will promote competition and innovation across the digital sector; 2- To ensure this growth and innovation does not harm citizens or businesses, we will keep the UK safe and secure online; 3- To protect our fundamental rights and freedoms, we will shape a digital economy that promotes a flourishing, democratic society.