COVID-19 Response in Solomon Island - 11/05/2021
Our Telekom
TELECOM/ICT Operators and Service Providers | Asia & Pacific | Solomon Islands
In support of Solomon Islands Government's response to the national COVID-19 State of Emergency, Our Telekom offers the following initiatives for Telekom customers. FREE INTERNET ACCESS FOR SINU AND USP STUDENTS - This incentive allows tertiary students of Solomon Islands National University and The University of the South Pacific (Honiara Campus) to access their uni’s websites and e-learning platforms from their mobiles even with zero credit balance. Students can either use their mobiles to browse content remotely from their homes or tether their mobile to laptop to access e-learning platforms. No Internet charges will be placed when visiting these sites. SUPPORT FOR NRH & EMERGENCY WORKERS - Provision of free Broadband Internet access for the Emergency Operation Center at NRH; Provision of toll free 115 service for the Honiara Emergency Operation Center at NRH; Provision of Internet and voice telephony for 3 border police posts – Harapa, Kulitanai, Kariki.