COVID accelerates increase in Internet use - 10/12/2021
Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA)
TELECOM/ICT Policy Makers and Regulators | Asia & Pacific | Australia
The COVID-19 pandemic has helped drive rapid growth in Australians' online activity, increasing data downloads and heightening demand for high-speed internet plans, according to recently released research from the ACMA. The research, which explores telecommunications trends, showed there were 8.2 million active broadband connections in Australia as of June 2021, up 11% on the previous year. It also revealed considerable growth in data traffic, with Australians downloading a total of 9.8 million terabytes of data in the three months to June 2021, a 20% increase compared to June last year. The shift towards digital communications over the last two years has resulted in unprecedented reliance on telecommunications. Almost half of NBN plan upgrades in 2020–21 were due to people working from home needing better support. The three reports from the Communications and media in Australia research series are available on the ACMA website – Trends and developments in telecommunications 2020–21, and the interactive reports, How we communicate and How we use the internet.