Event Information Photos
Event Name
Explore new borders - Get involved!
Date of the event
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Description of the event

Girls in ICT day - 2020 Tuzla

This year, because of the current situation, "Girls in ICT 2020 day"  will be held online, through live stream from our YouTube channel. On that way will (we hope to) involve and reach to more girls not just from Tuzla but from whole country. 

Girl THing: Explore new borders, get involved!

We have planed to organize three webinars, one each day from 22.-24. April. Topics that we will talk about are: "Is IT for me?", "How to start your business?", "How to get involved and why is that important?". On this way we will cover all interesting fields for girls from 13 to 25 years old. Our guests will we be successful women from IT world, so big thanks to: Alma Šećerbegović, Merana Sadiković Mandžukić, Leila Hadžić and Hajra Saletović. 

Our members will host each webinar and hopefully engage girls, that will be watching, to ask questions.

Entity organizing the event, organizers
GirlThing Tuzla - part of Students council of Faculty of electrical engineering University of Tuzla