Event Information Photos
Event Name
Engagement event | Overcoming Digital Challenges
Date of the event
Description of the event

The Internet Society Armenia Chapter along with the Internet Society NGO joined the International “Girls in ICT” Day in 2018.

This year due to the restriction to hold a face-to face meeting caused by COVID-19, the event was organized online by Zoom platform with partnership of various stakeholders and with support of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).

To our 2-hour virtual webinar we invited speakers to talk about the challenges we face in a lockdown situation, such as in education, in business and the tools of technology they use to overcome those challenges. 

During the webinar, we had 2 blocks: Education and Digital Marketing. Armine Martirosyan, ICT Trainer at PIU Ministry of Education and Science, and Asya Dallakyan, Customer Program Manager for CIS at Microsoft covered the Education block while Manya Sargsyan, Marketing Coordinator at OneMarketData and Narine Harutyunyan, Co-founder of Project covered the Digital Marketing Block.

Right after the webinar, we've been privileged by joining ITU BDT Director Doreen Bogdan-Martin to our event and encouraging everyone to continue their engagement to ICT and thus bringing valuable change into the tech world.

Afterwards, all participants were invited to an 1-hour networking where they shared good practices and their experience in ICT.

The organizers also announced that there was a page created in Facebook, where everyone interested can join, contribute and enlarge the inspiring network.

The event was held in Armenian language to better provide a wider outreach and to empower more women to use technology in their daily lives.

Entity organizing the event, organizers
Internet Society Armenia Chapter, Internet Society NGO