Event Information Photos
Event Name
Girls in ICT Day: online-marathon with inspiring women
Date of the event
Description of the event
For the first time in Ukraine, on April 23, 2020, CSR Ukraine, an expert organization Center for CSR Development in partnership with UNFPA, United Nations Polulation Fund in Ukraine, launch online broadcasting of 32 IT companies’ inspirational speeches. It will be live stream (on air) with a 16 hours duration.

Each company will have half an hour of broadcasting time. The representative of the company (successful woman) during this time will acquaint listeners with features of the work in his/her company, will show photos of the office, will tell interesting stories of work in IT. Listeners will have an opportunity to ask questions to the speaker and to receive answers online at the time of speech.
It is a unique online interaction of successful women and young girls for strengthening the ICT area and a role of women in it. In addition, this project was submitted to the National register of records (Ukraine).


The objectives of The Day of Girls in ICT project are:

· To overcome gender stereotypes when choosing future profession

· To show that women can and have to go to work to the ICT

· To encourage girls and young women to build successful career in the ICT

Entity organizing the event, organizers
СSR Ukraine UNFPA Ukraine