Event Information Photos
Event Name
International Girls in ICT Day - Palestine 2022
Date of the event
State of Palestine
Description of the event
The MTIT celebrated the girls in ICT days, which is set by ITU in order to encourage young girls to actively engage in studies in the ICT domain and enhance their knowledge about the sector, by: 1. launching a campaign on the Girls in ICT Palestine Facebook page and the Ministry’s page to contribute to highlighting success stories and presenting inspiring experiences of young women in the ICT sector; by filming a short video for about two minutes carrying an inspiring message “advice” to other girls in the ICT sector.2. Preparing a video to raise awareness, educate and protect girls on the internet, and send it to the schools to display in technology classes.3. An awareness session via zoom in the presence of all committee members, coordinators and technology teachers in schools, awareness material on access and safety will be present.4. Organizing field trips to schools in the backwoods to transfer knowledge and experiences, spread awareness and raise awareness of the safe use of the Internet and technology.5. The main ceremony for girls in ICT will hold in June 2022, while A technology exhibition will be held on the sidelines of the celebration.
Entity organizing the event, organizers
Ministry of Telecom & Information Technology partner with:- Ministry of Women Affairs, Paltel, Ministry of Education. Gaza sky Geeks. .- Wazza.- Palestinian Information System Association PITA.- Higher Council for Innovation & Excellence, BCI, NGate, Pal info Sciences and Technology and Technology Syndicate.