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  Comisiones de Estudio del UIT-D

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Rapporteur's Group Question details

Cuestión 1/1
Aspectos políticos, reglamentarios y técnicos de la migración de las redes existentes a las redes de banda ancha en los países en desarrollo, incluyendo las redes de la próxima generación, los servicios móviles, los servicios OTT y la implantación de IPv6
Cuestión 1/1
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Expected output
Reports, best-practice guidelines, case studies and recommendations, as appropriate, that take into account the issues for study and the following expected outputs:
a) Broadband policy and regulation
i) Policies promoting incentives for broadband deployment through effective competition, public and private investment, inter-platform competition, and private public partnerships towards accomplishing universal access to broadband services.
ii) Examination of, and best practices for encouraging, regional policies and practices that promote and address cross-border connectivity and small island developing state connectivity.
iii) Best practices to develop technology-neutral and service-neutral policies.
iv) Methods to open markets to effective competition through transparent regulatory and taxation reforms.
v) Policies to encourage efficient and innovative mobile-broadband practices for new market entrants and consumers, including by allocating and assigning spectrum.
vi) Best practices for infrastructure sharing and access to networks to promote market entry, where appropriate.
vii) Capacity building in rural and/or underprivileged communities.
viii) Studies to examine new and innovative pricing methodologies for broadband services, trends in broadband services in regard to, inter alia, broadband deployment, international traffic and applications, and assessment of the current demand for broadband at global and regional level.
ix) Best practices and guidelines for stimulating investment in broadband that allows the delivery of services for development in an affordable manner.
x) Identification of policy tools to facilitate the availability to consumers at local and national levels of competitive IP-based services and applications, so called "over-the-top" (OTT) services.
xi) Identification of the range of alternative successful business arrangements that have been used to meet growing demand and other changes in the market.
xii) Identification of the best practices and policies that create incentives for investment in IP-based services and applications.
xiii) Evaluation of challenges and  an overview of best practices and guidelines regarding legal frameworks and cooperation mechanisms among appropriate government entities seeking to facilitate, and avoid barriers to, the development and deployment of new services and applications, such as mobile money transfer, m banking, m commerce and e commerce.
b) Broadband transition and implementation
i) Best practices to finance broadband access to underserved and unserved communities, including universal service funds, coverage requirements and alternative means of financing broadband access.
ii) Guidelines for making the transition from narrowband to broadband networks, taking into account in particular the potential challenges, benefits and opportunities that developing countries may encounter when implementing broadband networks, services and associated applications. 
c) Transition from IPv4 to IPv6
i) Compilation of the questions raised by, and requirements of, developing countries in their transition to IPv6.
ii) Consolidation and coordination of efforts to ensure the transition to IPv6.
iii) Survey of procedures, methods and time frames for the effective transition to IPv6, having regard to the experience of ITU Member States.
The final report may also contain best practices on transition to IPv6, which may address the following issues:
1) Transition to IPv6 for telecommunication operators:
1.1) stages in the transition, including best practices for top-level domain operators and application service providers in migration efforts;
1.2) transition for network backbones;
1.3) transition for access networks;
1.4) collecting best practices for routing;
1.5) network service;
1.6) quality-of-service issues;
1.7) issues of network security throughout the transition process.
2) Combined use of IPv6 and IPv4.
3) Participation required of the regulator.
Output Report
ITU-D Recommendations
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