Event Information

Computer Guild of Nigeria - Using CBT in Solving Mathematics Questions


Africa, Nigeria, Nigeria


Organizers: Computer Guild of Nigeria, Infortude Consult and Society for Microsoft Practitioners


To teach female secondary school students on how to use computer to answer mathematics questions.


To expose female secondary school students on how to use computer to solve problems and other tasks

Targeted Audience 

1,000 female secondary schools in Oyo State

Duration of the Project 

24th – 29th of April 2019

No of Schools Participated

30 public secondary schools participated in the project


  • To expose them to ICT
  • To teach them how to solve mathematics questions using computer
  • To inform and educate them on the fundamentals of computing
  • To make them computer literate

Method of Operations

The CBT training were held in schools having computers

Results of the Project

  • 1,000 female secondary schools were taught how to use computer to answer or solve mathematical questions
  • Participants are now computer literate. They can now operate computer themselves.
  • The CBT programme used for the project has been adopted by the participating schools as part of their educational resources.

Replication of the Project

Oyo state Government is currently understudying the CBT programme which might be later adopted by them. The copies of the CBT programme (disc) had been widely distributed among the teachers of the participating schools

Innovation about this project

The questions which were featured in the CBT were set using the curriculum approved by the government. The questions were coded into CBT using Visual Basics which can only run on Windows 7 and above.

Team Lead: Wole Adedoyin,