Event Information

ITU Area Office for CIS


CIS, Russia, Moscow, Russia

ITU Regional Videoconference for CIS

 Dedicated to the International Girls in ICT Day

Moscow, Russia, 27 April 2017


In pursuance of the Plenipotentiary Resolution 70, the ITU Area Office for CIS organizes each a regional videoconference seminar dedicated to the International Girls in CIT Day. This year, the event is taking place on 27 April.

The event is aimed at presenting some preliminary results of the implementation of the global initiative known as Girls in ICT Day and its further development. The videoconference will be divided into 3 small session to consider such topics as: global and regional trends in the development of ICT sector; professional orientation as one of levers of human capacity building in the ICT; girls in ICT – looking into the future.

In particular, the videoconference will present initiatives of the Communication Administration of the Republic of Moldova to engage girls and women in ICT and the role of women in the ICT development in Uzbekistan. Within the framework of the session dedicated to the professional orientation, the A.S.Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications will present its professional Orientation Project on Influence of 4.0 Economy on School Girls’ Motivation to Choose an ICT-related Profession, which is part to the CIS regional initiative proposed by Ukraine for WTDC-17, while the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications under Kyrgyz State Technical University n.a. Iskhak Razzakov will present its experiences in supporting young girls in Kyrgyz Republic to choose professions in ICT. In the context of further development of the Girls in ICT initiative, the videoconference will consider the experiences of Azerbaijan, where a very dynamic club Femme Digital was created by young businesswomen, who encourage female students and schoolgirls to consider ICT as a sphere of their future career development.

The videoconference will be concluded by a roundtable to discuss interim results of the implementation of the Girls in ICT initiative and its further development, which could be implemented by a regional coordinator identified from among representatives of the most active communication administrations, sector members, public organizations of CIS, which are interested in the development of this initiative development and are willing to contribute to the career orientation activities.

The videoconference is expected to be attended by representatives of 7 CIS countries (Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Belarus, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, Republic of Uzbekistan).