Event Information

Office of Utilities Regulation Girls in ICT one day Seminar and Expo


The Americas, Jamaica, Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica

OUR Joins in Celebrating International Girls in ICT 2017

The main utility regulator in Jamaica, the Office of Utilities Regulation (OUR), will be hosting a one day seminar and exhibition on Thursday 2017 April 27 at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica. As was the case with its inaugural recognition of the day in 2016, the theme used for the seminar was adopted from the International Telecommunication Union International Girls in ICT theme ‘Expand Horizons, Change Attitudes.’

For this year’s event, the seminar will focus on providing skills to young girls to protect themselves in an ICT based environment with topics such as “Does the Internet Harm Our Girls? Protecting our Girls’ Self-Esteem in an ICT World” and “Internet of Things: Staying Safe ‘inside’ the Web”; to motivate and inspire through topics such as “ICTs and My Future” and “I can do anything. All I need is to believe”; as well as give them a taste of the working environment and what is expected through a panel discussion “The evolution of the work environment with ICTs”. Two concurrent workshops will also take place during that day’s activities one of which will be showing the girls how to assemble a CPU.

 Participants will also be afforded the opportunity to interact with the following sponsors for the event: telecommunications companies FLOW Jamaica and Digicel Jamaica, the Ministry of Science, Energy and Technology (MSET), Caricel Jamaica and the Development Bank of Jamaica and exhibitors University of Technology and e-Learning. Other major sponsors for the event include the Jamaica Observer newspaper and the Inter-American Development Bank.