Event Information



Europe, Schweiz, Geneva, Switzerland

The Geneva Girls in ICT Day 2017 celebrations took place on April 27 at ITU Headquarters in Geneva. The event saw the active participation of local schools, that have been organizing ICT-related activities in the lead up to International Girls in ICT Day.

During the opening ceremony the event was connected with a Girls in ICT Day event in Vilnius, Lithuania, where the RPM-EUR meeting will be taking place and with one in Beirut organized by Alfa Telecom. The videoconference's highlights have been the welcoming remarks from the ITU Deputy Secretary General Mr. Malcolm Johnson, H. E. Mr. Andrius Krivas, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Lithuania in Geneva, H.E. Mrs. Najla Riachi Assaker, Ambassador, Permanent Mission of Lebanon in Geneva and the BDT Director Mr. Brahima Sanou (from Vilnius). The welcoming remarks were followed by an interactive quiz game about current ICT trends that the girls played together simultaneously from all locations. 

After the ceremony, the girls attending the event in Geneva presented in an exhibit open to ITU staff and the diplomatic community the skills acquired during the workshops and activities organized by local schools and partners. 

List of exhibitors

InstitutionExhibitSupported by
The British School of GenevaThymioHEPIA and Informasciences
La Grande BoissièreSatellitesITU Radiocommunication Bureau
Ecole des NationsScratchHEPIA and Informasciences
Local schoolsPythonCERN
Institut FlorimontThymioInstitut Florimont
La ChâtaigneraieStandard curriculum presentationLa Châtaigneraie
EPFLPresentation of EPFL activitiesEPFL


In parallel to the exhibit, a speed mentoring session took place in the same venue. The session allowed the girls to meet female role models from the STEM and ICT sectors and discover their careers and backgrounds. A tour of the ICT Discovery Museum was organized for interested schools.

 The Agenda of the event and pictures are available below.

More pictures available here

All videos and interviews from the event are available here