Event Information

IT Girls Mash up


Europe, Bosnia and herzegovina, Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina

IT Girls BiH is a UN-supported initiative in Bosnia and Herzegovina which aims at engaging more girls and women into the ICT sector. Visit our page www.itgirls.ba for more information.

On 22nd April, IT Girls organized a set of activities for 12 girls aged 13-15 coming from Srebrenica and Sarajevo. 

Thanks to the IT company Authority Partners, girls had a chance to try out Virtual Reality goggles and compete in a game answering tech-related questions while running on the clouds. Furthermore, together with the NGO One World Platform we organized the girls into a focus group where we discussed why it is important to have more women in the ICT sector. This discussion contributed to developing key messages published in form of photographs on the 27th April on IT Girls facebook page and website

On the 22nd, during the Mash-up event, girls had an opportunity to code in Python following the instructions of one of the winners of the IT Girls Women's Day online challenge. To wrap up the day we watched the movie Codegirl the purpose of which was to inspire girls to think about their own projects that they would wish to make reality. 

Additional value of the event was that IT Girls brought together girls from two different cities in BiH (Srebrenica and Sarajevo) where girls went through IT Girls web development trainings and considering that in Srebrenica girls have fewer opportunities to participate in tech events and lower access to technology in general. It was an opportunity to gathered them around the same cause and have them exchange ideas and points of view.