Event Information

Iran Information Technology Organization (ITO)


Asia & pacific, Iran, Tehran, Tehran Province, Iran

"International Girls in ICT Day in Iran"

Venue and Date:


Date: 25 April 2019


  • About Information Technology Organization of Iran (ITO):

Information Technology Organization of Iran (ITO) began its services as a subset of Ministry of ICT in 1998 considering the ever-increasing need of the country to construct and develop the computer networks and their connections and ultimately, to connect these networks to the international networks, and in order to establish necessary communication infrastructures for realizing these goals, and also in order to get access to information sources.  In the fall of 2010, on the basis of joint proposal by the Vice-president of Management and Development and Human Resources and the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, in order to abstract the policy-making and sovereignty-related activities from the government companies, Iranian IT Company was changed from a government company into a government institution named Iranian Information Technology Organization. This change was based on the sovereignty-related duties mentioned in the company’s articles of association.

ITO manages the support functions and organizes the security of the space of information exchange, hardware and software. It also improves the electronic capabilities, develops the internet service and information technology and their applications in the country. It also manages and monitors the integration of activities in the field of information technology and electronic applications. Moreover, ITO directs the IT section as an agent for the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology and recommends policies for the private sector in order to promote the IT applications in the country.

  • ITO Programs for Empowering Girls and Women in ICT Fields:

The Information Technology Organization of Iran ICT Ministry has started activities in this area since a few last years. The most important activities carried out so far can be categorized as follows:

  • Empowering women in local communities using ICT capacities
  • Organizing a series of entrepreneurship events for girl students
  • Conducting training courses for girls in the form of Coding Boot Camps
  • Using novel technologies to produce educational content and learning resources for girl students in rural areas in line with equality and educational justice
  • Using the capacity of active women's network in businesses of basic ICTs to train and develop specialists and workforce from girls

Celebrating International Girls in ICT Day in Iran:

Considering the proposed program of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) for its Member States in International Girls in ICT Day, The Information Technology Organization of Iran plans to organize such an event on 25 April 2019 in Tehran with the collaboration of relevant public and private organizations.

The event will help to enable girls, technology companies, economies and societies to have the benefits of greater female participation in a more inclusive ICT sector.

The tentative program is as follows

  • Organizing an Entrepreneurship festival during the event for Student Girls who were selected as the top group of previous events
  • Conducting a 5-day training camp for the top programming girl students of the Iranian Computing Olympiad before the event and presenting the application have been written during this period at the event.
  • Organizing an interactive panel discussion during the event to share the success story and experience of successful women in the field of innovative ICT businesses.
  • Organizing an exhibition and providing a platform to showcase successful women businesses and the best Iranian startups in the fields of ICT which sole a problem of women
  • Using the capacity of active women in the field of ICT in the Event Leadership Committee
  • Provide online video and audio communication from our event which can be displayed live during the international event of “International Girls in ICT Day: in Addis Abba, Ethiopia.
  • Preparing the comprehensive report after the event and presenting to ITU

The event brings young women and girls from all over Iran, the private sector and academia to meet and get inspired by each other, engages in group discussion on the themes behind the event, and participated in fun get-to-know-you activities together.

This International Girls in ICT Day will draw on best practices, lessons and approaches that may attract more girls and young women into the ICT sector. The event may prove to be an best effective way to increase awareness and advocacy for girls and young women in the ICT sector at all levels of the profession. As female role models in tech, participating women technologists will help students to be aware of the array of tech jobs available and the different pathways into the ICT sector and increase interest to studies in area, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM)