Event Information

Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN), Bangladesh Computer Council. BWIT - Event : Girls in ICT Bangladesh Celebration


Asia & pacific, Bangladesh, Bangladesh

On the occasion of the International Girls in ICT Day Bangladesh Open Source Network (BdOSN) and Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) initiated a month long programme to observe this in the Country. The following events will be take place in different pats of the country-

1. ICT Career Talk : There will be around 10 career talk will be organized where girls and women will be informed about the career opportunities in the field of ICT for them. Starting from 21st April, the talks will be held in Dinajpur, Rangpur, Chittagong and Dhaka districts. The talk will be attended by the eminent professional as well as the HR expert.

2. ICT Open house day - In Dhaka, Rajshahi and Chittagong, students and fresh graduates will visit different ICT companies to have an idea about the opportunities in those companies for them. Samsung RDI, Grameen Phone, Joomshaper and other prominent ICT Companies will cater them with hospitality and the information.

3. Girls Innovation Boot Camp - On the International Girls in ICT Day, 60 girls will participated in a day long innovation boot camp. The ICT expert from US, Mr Mahdee Uz Zaman will facilitate the boot camp where he shows the pathway of idea to product development. The girls will then be work with the organizer for one year to develop their product.

4. Round table discussion : A round table discussion will be organized on the topic "How to bring more girls and women in ICT" with relevant stakeholders.

5. Quiz and online Programming Contest for girls and female students will be organized.

The details information are available at the event website
