Event Information

Ministry of Innovation and Public Administration in the Republic of Albania hosts "International Girls in ICT Day"


Europe, Albania, Tirana County, Albania

Recently, we realized that not a single story we read growing up featured a girl who took her destiny in her hands and made something on her own without the help of a prince, a brother, or a mouse.
By the time girls reach elementary school ... they already have less confidence than boys.

Why is that? They say that “If you can see it, you can be it.” But what happens when you never see someone like you making the headlines? What happens when all that you see around you ... is movies, cartoons, books, and TV shows ... dominated by men?

We have to do something about this! There are thousand women around the world, who have achieve incredible things, despite all odds : astronauts, chefs, painters, judges, tennis players, extraordinary women who have changed and are changing the course of history in every field imaginable.

Having the support of the European Coordinator for Girls in ICT Day activities at International Telecommunication Union, we decided to give our support and promised to host for the first time ever in Tirana “International Girls in ICT day”, because #TechIsTheNewPink and you should absolutely be there to hear amazing success stories from the future leaders of this country!