Draft Agenda of WTDC-10

Draft Agenda of the
World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-10)

1.                 Assessment of the implementation of the Doha Action Plan

1.1.   Report by the Director of the BDT (DAP programmes, activities, initiatives)

1.2.   Report on TDAG activities

1.3.   Reports on Study Groups activities

2.                 General Policy and Strategy

2.1.   Report on the state of telecommunication/ICT development

2.2.   World Summit on the Information Society: Commitments and BDT’s role

2.3.   Connect series of Summits

2.4.   Outcome of WTPF-09

2.5.   Outcome of the Regional Preparatory Meetings

2.6.   ITU-D contribution to the Strategic Plan of the Union

2.7.   WTDC-10 Declaration

3.                 ITU-D Action Plan

3.1.   Cooperation among members

3.1.1   Study Groups

a)     Structure and working methods

b)     Work programme: Questions

3.1.2   Telecommunication Development Advisory Group

a)     Structure and working methods

b)     Revision of Resolution 24 (rev. Doha, 2006)

3.2.   Topics for Programmes

3.2.1   Policy and Regulatory issues

3.2.2   Technical and Operational issues

3.3.   Regional initiatives and projects

3.3.1   Financing and partnership for ICT development

3.3.2   Contribution by the private sector

3.3.3   Role of the ITU Regional presence