World Telecommunication Development Conference 2010  
wtdc logo Practical information for participants

High Level Segment

Administrations and Sector Member organizations are invited to register for a speaking slot in the High Level Segment. Statements are limited to one speaker per entity and should be a maximum of 5 minutes. Speakers are welcome to address any theme(s) of the Conference, regardless of the HLS session they choose.

Requests for an HLS speaking slot can be made here or by contacting

Speaking slots will be allocated according to ITU protocol and within a given category, on a first come first served basis.

Speakers are asked to forward their HLS statement to by 22 May 2010.  

The statement should clearly indicate: 1) the speaker’s name 2) the speaker’s title, 3) the name of the Member State (Observer organization/entity as appropriate) of the speaker, 4) the details of a contact person, 5) the session of the Plenary at which the statement is to be delivered, 6) original language of text.

During the conference, if changes are to be made to the text, the contact person should advise the Conference Secretariat at the latest 15 minutes after the end of the speech delivery. In the absence of a request to the contrary, the text of the statement will be posted on the website after delivery in plenary. 


Opening Ceremony


List of Policy Statements:

Sessions A & B

Sessions C & D

Session E

Policy Statements delivered in plenary

Policy Statements not delivered in plenary