World Telecommunication Development Conference 2010  
wtdc logo Practical information for participants

In-conference documents publication and distribution

The Document Distribution Service will be situated in the main lobby of the Hyderabad International Convention Centre (HICC). This service will provide pigeonholes for delegations and observers, which will be reserved for official documentation only. The Distribution service, the only persons authorized to do so, will distribute two copies per delegation/representation of each official document.

A special designated area, close to the pigeonholes will be reserved for the distribution of conference-related documentation, i.e. materials relevant to the Conference agenda and objectives (e.g. telecommunication information pamphlets, books, magazines, other printed and/or electronic materials). This area will be accessible to all participants on a self-service basis and will be supervised by the Secretariat. An authorization is required to distribute materials in this area. Materials distributed without authorization will be removed by the Secretariat. Authorization can be obtained by contacting the Conference Document Control and Management service at (on the second floor of the HICC MR203 & 204)

Information related to documentation is provided and updated regularly on the Conference website at: D/conferences/wtdc/alldocuments.html