World Telecommunication Development Conference 2010  
wtdc logo Practical information for participants

Useful reminders for laptops

Enable DHCP so that your laptop will obtain the IP address and other network parameters automatically.


Please be aware that delegate network communication can be intercepted, end-to-end encryption is recommended for confidentiality.

If you are concerned about computer security, please use personal firewall software.

Firewall software configurations may prevent access to local resources (e.g. printers).

All wireless users must have a good anti-virus program that has up-to-date virus database. Viruses can easily spread in the wireless network. You will also need a few spyware detection programs such as Ad-Aware.

Outgoing e-mail

Set up your outgoing (SMTP) server as per the instructions given to you on the WTDC wireless network welcome page.


The “Tools”, “Internet Options”, “Connection”, “LAN settings” should be set to “automatically detect settings".


Disable any SOCKS configurations.