World Telecommunication Development Conference 2010  
wtdc logo Practical information for participants


The Country Code for India is +91.
The City Code for Hyderabad is +40.
Landline numbers in major cities like Hyderabad, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore & Chennai have eight digits whereas the numbers in smaller cities could have only 4-7 digits. All mobile numbers are 10 digits & begin with `9´.

Area Codes in India are referred to as STD codes. STD codes for some cities are:
Hyderabad: 40
Kolkata: 33
Chennai: 44
Bangalore: 80

Dialing India:


International access code (00 or +) followed by 91, then STD CODE followed by Landline no
eg. +91 40 XXXXXXXX


International access code (00 or +) followed by 91 and the 10-digit Mobile no.

Dialing within India:

From Indian landline to Indian landline

Local call: Landline no.
Long distance call - 0 then STD Code followed by Landline no.

From Indian landline to Indian Mobile

Local call -10 digits Mobile no.
Long distance call - 0 followed by 10 digits Mobile no.

From Indian Mobile to Indian landline

Local or Long distance calls
0 followed by STD Code, followed by Landline no.

From Indian Mobile to Indian Mobile

Local Call - 10 digits Mobile no.
Long distance call - 0 followed by 10 digits Mobile no.

Dialing out of India to an International number

The international access code when dialing out of India is 00 (or + when dialing from a mobile phone).

In India both GSM & CDMA (WLL) mobile systems are present. Please contact your mobile service providers to check their roaming partners & tariffs in India. Indian SIM cards may be made sold on request.