Emirates Institution for Advanced Science and Technology

Details of the organization
  • The organization has a strategy for coordinating WSIS Implementation at the national level: Yes
  • The organization has a national e-strategy: Yes

Information about the project
Emirates Institution for Advanced Science and Technology
Established by a Dubai Government decree in 2006, the Emirates Institute for Advanced Science and Technology (EIAST) is a strategic initiative of the UAE. It aims at inspiring scientific innovation and fostering technological advancement in the UAE. EIAST promises to be the springboard for promoting sustainable development and enhancing economic growth in the UAE and beyond. The institution is well on its way towards achieving its goal, with series of significant projects in the pipeline. It has in its purview a key role in promoting effective means of using highly sophisticated technologies and accurate spatial information for a variety of applications. EIAST’s fourfold functional agenda includes promoting the culture of advanced scientific research and technology innovation in Dubai and the UAE, creating an internationally competitive base for human skill development, positioning Dubai and the UAE as a science and technology development hub among advanced nations and establishing international collaborative links and joint projects with industry and research organizations. EIAST is currently establishing international collaborative links and joint venture projects with several organizations to facilitate its ambitious future plans. EIAST has marked the successful implementation of the Dubai and Federal government Strategic Plan in building a knowledge-based economy, with the seamless launch of DubaiSat-1. The DubaiSat-1 launch highlighted the deployment by EIAST of advanced technologies to serve the UAE, and established international collaborations in research and advanced technology, both in line with the Strategic Plan. EIAST has also been working on creating an internationally competitive base for human skill development, positioning the UAE as a science and technology development hub among advanced nations.
International implementation
Completed from

WSIS information
* The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
      * ICT for sustainable development
      * National e-strategies
      * ICT in Parliaments
      * E-participation
      * Partnerships
* Access to information and knowledge
* Enabling environment
* ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life
      * E-science
  • Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development
  • Project