ICTs and Older Persons: Value of the Older Workforce: The Emergence of Senior Entrepreneurship and the Multi-Generational Workplace

Global Coalition on Aging

Session 291

14:00–15:00 CEST (UTC+02:00), Wednesday, 12 August 2020 ICTs and Older Persons Thematic Workshop

For the first time in history, today’s workplaces are now a meeting place for up to four generations.  Remarkably, these multi-generational teams are proving more productive than single-generation teams.  Even so, older workers continue to face age discrimination in the workplace, and the conventional 19th century concept and mindset of retirement, remains largely unchanged. Do people really want to retire?  How differently are they looking at their lives than their predecessors?  Is learning and adapting to change only a skill set for younger people?  What are the unintended consequences of forced retirement and the loss of experience and knowledge that it may portend?    

Mike Mansfield
Mike Mansfield Program Director Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement

Since 2015, Mike has been responsible for delivering and further developing Aegon's annual Retirement Readiness Survey and other publications. Mike has also been responsible for the establishment of the Aegon Center for Longevity and Retirement, a collaboration of experts assembled by Aegon with representation from Europe, the Americas, and Asia. The mission of the Center is to conduct research, educate the public and inform a global dialogue on trends, issues and opportunities surrounding longevity, population aging, and retirement security.

Mike has been with Aegon for 17 years where he has previously worked as Sustainability Officer and Group Internal Auditor. Prior to working for Aegon, Mike worked for PwC and Wells Fargo Bank.

Han van Doorn
Han van Doorn Founder Are You Okay Today

Han was born 83 years ago in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. Han was also a caregiver for his wife with dementia for 5 years, with whom he has been very happily married for 50 years and with whom he had two children who now also have two children. Han's experience as a caregiver was very trying, and he realized that 80% of the long-term care in Europe is provided by informal caregivers and that almost 20% are overloaded in the Netherlands. This experience was one of the reasons for starting his Silver Starters project "Are You Okay Today" and taking the Silver Starter course in the first place. Han has a lot of hobbies and does a lot of sports to stay vital. Before founding his start-up, Han worked at IBM for 31 years in research and development. 

Mary J. Cronin, Ph.D
Mary J. Cronin, Ph.D Research Professor Carroll School of Management, Boston College and President of 4Q Catalyst. LLC

Mary J. Cronin, Ph.D. is a Research Professor at the Carroll School of Management, Boston College and President of 4Q Catalyst. LLC (www.4qcatalyst.com),  4QCatalyst provides strategic consulting, business planning, and executive coaching services for corporate and organizational clients.  Dr. Cronin is currently researching, speaking, and publishing on entrepreneurial engagement and social innovation among older adults, in the context of the future of work.  She serves on the Advisory Board of BeyondWork2020 (https://www.beyondwork2020.com/) a program exploring the transformation of work in the 21st century, and will chair a panel at the BeyondWork2020 conference in Bonn, Germany on October 21, 2020 hosted by German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
Dr. Cronin’s latest book, Starting UP Over 50: Building a Resilient and Profitable Small Business presents inspirational stories of the challenges, successes, and lessons learned by entrepreneurs who started their companies over the age of 50, together with advice from experts in business formation, finance, marketing, social media, sales, and human resources.  Staring UP Over 50will be published in December 2020.   
Dr. Cronin has already authored 11 books on digital strategy, innovation, and corporate sustainability including the international best sellers Doing Business on the Internet (1994), Smart Products, Smarter Services (2010), and Managing for Social Impact: Innovations in Responsible Enterprise (2018).  She is a board member of the Encore Boston Network and The Boston Authors Club, and a member of the Executive Committee Founders Over Fifty-Five.

Jeff Schwartz
Jeff Schwartz Principal Deloitte Consulting LLP Moderator

Jeff Schwartz, a principal with Deloitte Consulting LLP, is the US leader for the Future of Work and Catalyst Tel Aviv (formerly the Innovation Tech Terminal–ITT), linking the Israeli start-up ecosystem with global clients. Schwartz is an advisor to senior business leaders at global companies focusing on work, workforce and business transformation, organization strategies, and C-suite level HR, talent, and leadership. He has lived and worked in the United States, Russia, Belgium, Kenya, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and India, and was based in Delhi and Mumbai from 2011 to 2016. He is the global editor of Deloitte’s Human Capital Trends research which he launched in 2011. Schwartz has an MBA from the Yale School of Management and an MPA from Princeton’s Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.

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WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C1 logo C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • AL C3 logo C3. Access to information and knowledge
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  • AL C5 logo C5. Building confidence and security in use of ICTs
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  • AL C7 E–LEA logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-learning
  • AL C7 E–EMP logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-employment
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