Artificial intelligence for Climate Change in Africa

Digital Coalition

Session 338

Thursday, 16 March 2023 16:00–16:45 (UTC+01:00) Room 11+12, CICG, 2nd Floor ICTs and Clean Tech Thematic Workshop

Leveraging AI to tackle the challenges of climate change in Africa

Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents in the world to climate change, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In 2022, every part of the continent was affected by extreme weather events, ranging from wildfires in Algeria to catastrophic flooding in South Africa. In addition the the human lifes lost during flood, cyclone,..., it is also increase extreme poverty.

The vast majority of the continent’s populations living in the rural areas also lives in extreme poverty. The enhancement of sustainable agricultural and rural development is therefore fundamental to the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Africa, particularly the eradication of hunger and poverty.

Thus a lot of african depend on agriculture and the climate change effect has a strong negative impact in their lives.

Thus, We are organizing a workshop on March 16 in Geneva during the WSIS Forum entitled : Artificial Intelligence for Climate change in Africa

The purpose is to use AI to address some of the critical issues of climate change affecting population and agriculture and to showcase initiatives or solutions that are tackling those challenges.

About the Digital Coalition 

Our NGO “Digital Coalition” is a registered NGO w/ Ecosoc Status. We are active in the field of digital, women empowerment.




Eng Reine Mbang Essobmadje
Eng Reine Mbang Essobmadje Co-Founder Digital Coalition Cameroun Moderator

Reine Essobmadje holds a Global Executive MBA from IE business school Spain with an additional program in Ethics & Corporate Governance from SMU Singapore. She is also an Engineer by training (Master of sciences), graduated in 2004, from ECE Paris (she has been introduced in School Hall of Fame) including an additional program in Management from Stafford University in UK. 

In August 2020, she has been recognized as a “Women Inspiring Women”  EPIC Award from IE Business School. EPIC stands for Extraordinary People Inspiring the IE Community


She is the founder of Evolving Consulting in Cameroon and France since 2009. A consultancy firm specialized in digital transformation in Europe and Africa.

Reine is recognized for her expertise as a top African woman in tech. She is an international consultant working both for European and African Union, World Bank and African Development Bank, International Telecommunications Union, Governments, and private sector.

Reine is very active in several organizations related to her area of interests (Women in STEM, entrepreneurship…). She is the Cameroonian Ambassador of Women In Africa, the co-Founder Digital Coalition (with ECOSOC Status) 

She is a member of WIE-Committee at WFEO (World Federation of Engineering Organisations)

Reine is a member of IE Business School Tech Advisory board.

Reine is the co-author of the book Rising to The Top where she shares her journey and career as a woman engineer with 53 others. Produced by GedCouncil & IFEES, the book “Rising to the Top: Volume II Global Women Engineering Leaders Share their Journeys to Professional Success” is available here


In August 2020, she won the EPIC Award from the IE Business School in the “Women Inspiring Women” category. EPIC stands for Extraordinary People Inspiring the IE Community


She is the President of Digital Economy Committee and the first female appointed 1st Vice-President of Cameroonian Business Council named GICAM. Prior to join the Board of GICAM, she was a Board member at Air e-Go (West Parisian Business Council)

Prof Alain Kiyindou
Prof Alain Kiyindou Professeur des universités , Titulaire Chaire Unesco Pratiques émergentes en technologies et communication pour le développement Université Bordeaux Montaigne - France

Professeur en Sciences de l’information et de la communication à l’Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Alain KIYINDOU est titulaire de la Chaire Unesco Pratiques émergentes en technologies et communication pour le développement, Président du Réseau de recherche francophone sur l'intelligence artificielle, Président d’honneur de la Société française des sciences de l’information et de la communication. Il a publié de nombreux ouvrages sur les technologies de l’information et de la communication en rapport avec les pays en développement et particulièrement l'Afrique. Il a co-rédigé le rapport OIF sur l’état de la Francophonie numérique 2018 et coordonné le rapport Unesco sur l'évaluation des indicateurs de l'universalité d'internet au Bénin, au Niger et en Côte d'Ivoire.

Après une focalisation sur la téléphonie mobile, les objets connectés, les travaux actuels du professeur Kiyindou portent sur l'intelligence artificielle et son appropriation dans les pays en développement et particulièrement en Afrique.


Alain Kiyindou, Professeur des universités
Université Bordeaux Montaigne


Darlington Akogo
Darlington Akogo 【R】 CEO of KaraAgro AI Rwanda

Darlington Akogo is a global leader in Artificial Intelligence. He's the Founder and Chief Executive Officer at minoHealth AI Labs; an AI Healthtech company; karaAgro AI; an AI-powered Plant & Pest Disease Detection and Precision Agriculture platform, Runmila AI Institute; an AI and Data Science training institute, and Gudra AI Studio; an organisation broadly exploring AI and Exponential Technologies applied various domains including Transportation, Sanitation and Energy.

He's the Chair (Topic Driver) of the Topic Group on AI for Radiology under the United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and World Health Organization (WHO) Focus Group on 'Artificial Intelligence for Health' (FG-AI4H). At UN FG-AI4H, Akogo leads the development of global regulations and standards for AI in radiology. 

He’s a Research Co-Investigator, Data Management Lead, and Chair of Data group for a £3 million research award for the project “NIHR Global Health Research Group on Digital Diagnostics for African Health Systems”, led by Imperial College London in partnership with minoHealth AI Labs and other organizations, with prior funding from UKRI. He served as the co-chair of the Digital Health & AI Global Health Strategy Group, created by University of Oxford and 13 partners from around the world including minoHealth AI Labs, Robert Koch Institute, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Oxford University Clinical Research Unit - OUCRU Vietnam, Financial Times, Technische Universität Berlin, Clinical Information Network - KEMRI / Wellcome Trust Programme, Aga Khan Development Network. 

He is the Team Leader (Director) for GIZ AI4Cashew project. KaraAgro AI won the contract to implement the activity “Leveraging Machine Learning For the Ghanaian Cashew Sector Based on Drone and Satellite Imagery Data” for FAIR Forward. On behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) implements the project “FAIR Forward – Artificial Intelligence for All”. He also serves as the Principal Investigator and Director for the Lacuna Fund project, Drone-Based Agricultural Dataset for Crop Yield Estimation, by KaraAgro AI in collaboration with Makerere AI Lab (Makerere University). He serves as the Director for another Lacuna Fund project in health under the title, Datasets for AI-Based Diagnosis of Malaria, which is a collaboration between Makerere AI Lab (Makerere University) and MinoHealth AI Lab. He served as the Lead (Ghana) for the Lacuna Fund project, Crop Disease & Pest Image Data, by Makerere University and KaraAgro AI, the Nelson-Mandela African Institution of Science and Technology, and Namibia University of Science and Technology, where he leads a team of 40 people across industry, academia and government towards the creation of large robust datasets for computer vision solutions towards early disease and pest detection.  In addition to this work, Akogo served as a member of the MIT Tech Review Global Panel. 

Artificial Intelligence Digital Economy
WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C7 E–ENV logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-environment
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 2 logo Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Goal 3 logo Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Goal 6 logo Goal 6: Ensure access to water and sanitation for all
  • Goal 8 logo Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 11 logo Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 13 logo Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Goal 15 logo Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss

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Instagram: @digitalcoalition