Young Societies Role in shaping emerging technologies and progressive digital institutions

Ongea Na Demokrasia

Session 200

Tuesday, 4 April 2023 13:00–14:00 (UTC+02:00) ICTs and Youth Thematic Workshop

With the demographic hitting 8 billion human beings, a portrait of this epoch is characterized by societies abilities to nurture networks beyond the physicality and bridging existing divides with the innovation that is the Internet. 

Defining what the internet is? 30 Years after its initial forms in the defense and academia communities falls to the agency that majority of its users have, Young Society. The Youth.

Emerging technologies are reshaping society example of ChatGPT generative AI and neural networks, the rise of 5G and Cloud infrastructure the nature of labor has shifted on the potency of digital literacy.

In governments, digitization have empowered democratic participation and economic empowerment with its challenges in use cases,  

For users, we have a global network open to all with over 5 billion connected nodes, a self evident reflection of society empowering sustainability through connectivity.

Its evident digital institutions are a norm of the modern world, shaping them is a people centered narrative that needs the participation of youth in decision making spaces on how technologies are defined and their impacts to the sociology of the youth demographic. 

Emerging technologies in this epoch are maturing with GenZ a new fundamental change on how the internet and technologies have taken a social mechanical integration with society, Social Media has become a movement and the internet a prerequisite and human right. It’s how democracies are being shaped, New digital democracies, Critical infrastructures shaping policy, Polling and real-time information sharing. This presents an opportunity for young society to merge in the shaping of digital institutions with resilient and strong parameters modeled after the social norms and use case experience of a generation born with the internet. 

Our session uses the principles of internet governance from young diverse panelists exploring the topics of empowered technological use and inclusive technologies.

Through these our panelists will share from an experienced based perspective as youth in the internet governance space the role of digital policy of building digital institutions.

We shall explore the communities understanding of digital institutions and their components 

With final discussions on how emerging technologies are shifting the human social economic political and cultural order with the advancement of algorithms , AI and deeper connectivity.

The sessions is based on exploration of ideas and interactivity amongst participants on how we as young society can contribute in the formation and building of stronger digital institutions. 

Our role to the generation in creating impactful technologies that offer equal solutions of sustainability and maturity of a strong democratic digital workforce and netizens. 

Catherine Kimambo Director African Child Projects, Tanzania

Ernest Mafuta Senior Technical Advisor Emerging Youth Initiative - Zambia

Dr. Monojit Das Dr India

Dr Monojit Das has done Ph.D. in internet governance has over 5 years experience in research as M.Phil and Ph.D. scholar with articles and co-authored books published on national
security and international relations.
Experience in liaison of civil-government to promote India’s cultural diversity globally and developing mechanism to initiate academic exchanges among institutes
promoting Indian education and strengthening bilateral relations with friendly nations.

Has co-authored two books on national security and invited BOS member to develop curriculum on cyber psychology at CIIPS-SCBC, institute of national importance, GoI.

Innocent Adriko Program Officer Internet Society Foundation, Uganda

Gabriel Karsan Ongea Na Demokrasia, Tanzania Moderator

Edinam Lily Botsoye University of Cincinnati. USA Moderator

5G Technology Artificial Intelligence Cloud Computing Digital Inclusion Digital Transformation Infrastructure Smart Cities
WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C1 logo C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • AL C3 logo C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4 logo C4. Capacity building
  • AL C10 logo C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society
  • AL C11 logo C11. International and regional cooperation

Through our policy angle discussion we aim to explore the roles of inclusive society and multistakeholder approach in building inclusive and people centered policy that will shape a strong foundation for all angles of digital institutions and necessary regulatory and governance infrastructure for Emerging Technologies aligning with action line C1 on governance , C11 on multistakeholder coalition building as youth, C10 in our exploration of the social and ethical norms as a component of Digital institutions and enabling an exchange environment of community supporting action line C3 & C4

Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 4 logo Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Goal 8 logo Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 16 logo Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies

Inclusion is a baseline support factor, our session is about collective ideation and action in a youth narrative, including the voices of youth through empowerment and decision making on how digital institutions take shape. 
Through emerging technologies and localized policy accessible to all, we can achieve a labor-force adapted to the fourth Industrial Revolution and innovating for social good, Supporting goal 4 and 8. 

Youth participation as a demographic and potent group for policy and strategic planning for internet and technology governance based on pillars of diversity shaping inclusive diverse and more just societies empowered by technology supporting goal 16.