Nominated Projects

Category 4 — AL C4. Capacity building (20 Projects)

Advance IT & Entrepreneurship Training and Incubation for young women

In Tanzania, the Jovia project addresses the critical issue of the digital gender divide. Our project gives underprivileged girls and young women in Tanzania who are out of school and unemployed the opportunity to receive advanced IT and entrepreneurship… more »

African Centre for Women in ICT

The African Centre for women in ICT is involved in offering ICT skills and lifeskills to youth from deprived backgrounds so that they too can compete in the global scale which has fast become a global village. With these skills, the students can programe… more »

Development of women's entrepreneurship and IT skills Tumaris.Tech

Tumaris.Tech is a project for the comprehensive support of women's entrepreneurial initiatives. This project consisted of 3 components and aims to strengthen the involvement of women in the ICT ecosystem: from the development of BPO through the provision… more »

Digital Government Capabilities Development Program

The public sector successful digital transformation including society requires a variety of skills & capacities which are main part of tertiary degrees & government training programmes for all staff. To optimize the performance of the public sector in … more »

Empowering Youth and Youth Women through Digital Literacy

In the new normal, many of our activities have moved online. In some ways, this has forced us to become more efficient. It has also forced many to rapidly adapt to a digital way of doing things, including working through Zoom, email, instant messaging, a… more »

Indonesia Teaching Fellowship (ITF) – Digital Platform to Enhance Capacity Building for Teachers and Students

Since 2019, BAKTI in cooperation with Ruangguru - a national technology company - have implemented a program to increase competency of teachers in rural-remote areas, targeting a total of 286 high school teachers and 80 high school students from four rem… more »

Iranian Women Astronomers

The female branch of the Astronomy Society of Iran was established in 2021 on the 100th birthday of Dr. Alenush Terian, the mother of modern astronomy in Iran. The mission of the branch, called Iranian Women Astronomers (IWA), is to support and empower w… more »

IT Skills Assessment and Certification

The National Institute of Public Administration (INTAN) is a public sector training and assessment centre for civil servants to enhance their competency. Government Digital Transformation requires INTAN to provide online assessment services for civil ser… more »

Llegamos con TIC

"Llegamos con TIC" is the program for the appropriation of Information and Communication Technologies that encourages and promotes the development of digital skills and competencies in the people of the Colombian territory, especially those who are in ru… more »


The MAKEHER SPACE project is a Hands-on Technology initiative that teaches young women to create technology and engineering-based solutions that solve problems in their communities, provide information about career options and exposes them to women worki… more »

Model network for research and education in the area of telepresence services

Telepresence services are future communication services that were originally planned to be implemented in 2030 networks, but the need for these services in a pandemic dictates their accelerated implementation. Telepresence services include holographic co… more »

National Cybersecurity Academy

the National Cybersecurity Authority took the initiative to establish the National Cybersecurity Academy is an academy to provide the right training and education for cybersecurity professional and students in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Specialized n… more »

Providing Access to Development and Digital Literacy Education: Clashing against the Waves for Digital Literacy

Located at the tail-end of Lahuy Island and surrounded by the temperamental waters of the Pacific Ocean, Sitio Lipata of Caramoan is one of the most remote coastal communities in the Bicol Region. Due to its geographic isolation, the community is cut-off… more »

Qatar Digital Government Training Program

As part of the Qatari government efforts to develop and provide the appropriate programs to improve the necessary skills for the effective use of communications and digital information technology by all government employees, Qatar Digital Government Trai… more »

Seeds for the Future 2.0

Objective: We aim to leverage Huawei's technical advantages and wealth of experience in the ICT industry to cultivate excellent ICT talent. Driving equity and quality in education and foster more skilled digital workforces. Relevance of the project: Huaw… more »

Smart Farmer/ Young Exporter : Online Access to Global Markets

Rural, agricultural SMEs are amongst the most vulnerable during periods of economic stress. They are also experiencing greater inequality. Although a third of laborers are in agriculture, they earn a tenth of GDP. During the spread of Covid-19, agricultu… more »


The overall objective of the STEM 4 ALL program is to support schools in preparing secondary school students in science, computer studies, mathematics and ICT to train in Engineering, Health & Allied Sciences, Science Teaching so as to contribute in tran… more »

STEM and Robotics Workshop for Down Syndrome Young Adults and Their Special Needs Educators

We use a variety of training techniques so that persons with various disabilities such as Autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, blindness and Down syndrome can learn according to differing and preferred learning styles. We also employ a flexible app… more »

Support provided by the Omar Dengo Foundation (FOD) to the public educational system in response to the COVID-19 crisis

Since March 16, 2020, schools closed in Costa Rica, cancelling in-person classes and moving the educational system to at-home schooling. The Omar Dengo Foundation, in coordination with the National Program of Educational Informatics Ministry of Public Ed… more »

The Digital Literacy Netizen Fair

In 2021, The MCI initiated a set of workshops as well as online and offline seminars discussing catchy digital literacy issues under the National Digital Literacy Program across 34 provinces and 514 cities/regions. This sequence of digital literacy event… more »