Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee



Tutored is a social platform dedicated to college topics and talent acquisition where over 300k students and recent graduates have signed up to meet two main needs:
• prepare university exams in the best possible way, for free. Access to free educational tools is key to tackle youth unemployment. On Tutored in fact students can share information, notes, textbooks, private lessons with a community of students belonging to the same academic path.
• create a professional profile and apply to the job listings posted by companies which best fit their own ambitions. Tutored is also used by enterprises that through Tutored can reduce the gap with skilled millennials. They can enhance their reality and carry out engagement activities thanks to the direct connection with an active community of college students/grads. Each company has a control panel at their disposal to:
• publish and promote news to create/strengthen their own employment branding strategy (awards, testimonials, team culture, benefits, new internal technologies, etc.)
• promote and outline job announcements to identify and hire the best talents (internship, entry level, graduate program etc).
• track and measure every single performance in order to understand in which university, department, city the brand is most successful and optimize results, assumptions and strategies. Generally speaking, as highlighted by Deloitte in its Human Capital Trends 2017, online recruitment has become an essential selection tool for the management areas of human resources.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge 2019
  • AL C7. E-employment
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education

  • Eastern Europe
  • Western Europe and North America



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • The unemployed


After phase 1 of beta testing the company expanded to Phase 2: Validation of the user-acquisition strategy scalable in Italy and other countries, creation of a large one community and technological development of the product. For the first 16 months of activity, the team focused to the creation of a large community, implementation of features such as exchange, sharing and access to notes and exam trainings and the validation of scalable and replicable user acquisition strategy, which allowed Tutored to reach 220K registered in Italy (July 2017), with a user CAC of € 0.05 (world average $ 2 per user - source: and over 2k registered by France and Germany. Phase 3. Development and activation of recruiting services ed employer-branding for companies (phases and activities carried out by September 2017 to today): Achieved a satisfactory critical mass of registered users, Tutored developed version 1.0 of the control panel for companies.

WSIS values promotion

By creating a platform for students and junior professionals.

Entity name


Entity country—type

Italy Private Sector

Entity website