Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee

ITQAN 2020: Integrated Electronic Quality, Information and Planning System for HEI Performance Excellence Management


Quality, accreditation, information and planning management in a HEI (Higher Education Institution) has been chaotic silo-centered disparaging and disconnected entities that separated critical quality, accreditation and planning practices and processes. KSA 2030 Vision of increased productivity through digital transformation and KSU 2030 Vision “Towards Excellence” underscores KSU journey of integrating quality, information and planning as an electronic platform.
The resulting 12 modular components of ITQAN 2020 System is developed based on KSU’s QIP (Quality, Information and Planning) troika framework. The philosophy underlies quality, information and planning management as interdependent entities. Quality measurement/management accomplishment/achievements based on the institutional/collegial/programmatic strategic and developmental planning are displayed as performance metrics/dashboards for semester/annual institutional/collegial/programmatic performance management. The mundane tedious quality management meeting the national accreditation requirements of: (1) course management (semester course specifications/reports by course/section by each faculty); (2) program management (program specifications/report); (3) self-study reports needed for the bi-annual internal audit and assessment and 5-years accreditation are herculean efforts for KSU’s 21 Colleges and 200 programs.
With the ITQAN System, all the manual documents heavy quality, accreditation and planning practices are accomplished through electronic templates integrated across the 12 modules sharing a common Database Management System. The integrative electronic quality/planning processes are produced/processed/stored/retrieved with the planning data/information and performance metrics for reporting and informed decision making for academic and student performance efficiencies and effectiveness measurement and management.

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Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge 2019
  • AL C7. E-learning
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education

  • Saudi Arabia



Start date


End date



To be licensed to other HEIs for their quality, information and planning management in support of their institutional / programmatic accreditation and document heavy course management/program management/self-study and planning management leading to informed decision making at all levels.


It is continually evolving based on the ever-changing requirements of the national accreditation agency that can be disseminated and used immediately upon publication and enforcement. This also includes the addition of the ISO 9001:2015 for administrative quality practices and international accreditation in generic areas that are similar to reduce quality fatigue and increase productivity. It also includes the future use of mobile networks to facilitate the faculty and student access however, wherever and whenever they are, that includes alumni and employment market surveys or participation in the HEI’s activities.

WSIS values promotion

The ITQAN 2020 fully addresses two main WSIS categories of the use of ICT for (1) Access to information and Knowledge (Category 3) and (2) ICT Applications: e-learning (Category 9) both of which supports SDG 4 on Quality Education. These address the WSIS Action Lines as outlined in the Geneva Plan of Action. The ITQAN 2020 use of ICTs are fully integrated in education performance excellence management at all levels, including curriculum development and management, institutional/collegial/programmatic administration and management based on informed decision making and data analytics. This is in support of the quality education for student effectiveness meeting the employment market requirements, student and parental aspirations and fostering civic-minded socially responsible citizen of Saudi Arabia in a global environment.

Entity name

King Saud University (KSU)

Entity country—type

Saudi Arabia Government

Entity website


Deanship of E-Transaction and Communication, KSU