Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee

High Speed Connectivity for Primary Schools


As per the Government Programme 2015-2019, ‘Government’s objective is to transform Mauritius into a truly forward looking, environmentally sustainable, economically vibrant and innovative country with modern infrastructure, global connectivity, high skills and technology.’

The objectives of the project is to implement wireless local area network at each primary school providing fast and reliable Wi-Fi, connected to a state-of-art high-speed wide area network interconnecting primary schools to the Government Online Centre (GOC) for seamlessly accessing online educational content. The infrastructure is fully manageable at the GOC, Central Information Systems Division (CISD) and the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research (MOEHR) locations.

The project consists of the deployment of:
(i) Wireless connectivity (Wi-Fi Hotspots) in primary schools for grades 1 up to 6 including computer labs and head master office;
(ii) High-speed connectivity using wide area network optimisation technologies in Mauritius and Rodrigues comprising of primary schools and the Government Online Centre (GOC);
(iii) High performance infrastructure at the GOC for hosting and accessing educational online content; and
(iv) High speed International Internet Connectivity through the GOC.

The rollout of Phase I of the project was carried out in 2018 and has impacted positively on the primary education sector and has provided the following benefits, amongst others:
• Leverage on the connectivity infrastructure at primary schools to access digital pedagogical contents, developed by the Mauritius Institute of Education;
• Provision of wireless connectivity in Primary Schools for use by the Tablets;
• Robust, Secure and Scalable infrastructure at the Government Online Centre to support the increased in demand in bandwidth for Primary schools; and
• Provision of server resources to host the applications and contents for the e-learning platforms at the Government Online Centre.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure 2019
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education

  • Mauritius



Start date

29 May 2017

End date

30 April 2019

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Educators, Students, School Administrative Staff


Similar ICT projects could be replicated in other African countries and beyond..


This project would enable primary schools to become more connected and enhance learning experience that inspires educators to collaborate and students to engage with their schools. The scalable and robust infrastructure would be maintained by a team comprising of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, Government Online Centre and Central Information Systems Division.

WSIS values promotion

High Speed Connectivity for Primary Schools project promotes the emergence of an inclusive Information Society as per WSIS values as it promotes the sharing of knowledge and improvement of ICT infrastructure to allow students to benefit from quality education.

Entity name

Central Informatics Bureau (CIB)

Entity country—type

Mauritius Government

Entity website