Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee

Stages of Building Digital Virtual Prints for Local Community, Regional and Internationally

Experience of Clinical Skills & Simulation Center at King Abdulaziz University


King Abdulaziz University-Clinical Skills & Simulation Center (KAU-CSSC) established in 2007, we seek to find a conceptual framework for building digital virtual prints by recognizing the needs to developing a progressive plan for delivery CSSC information. CSSC established the official account of the website and social media since October 2011 that used as a reference for specialized training of medical and other healthcare professional disciplines wishing to peruse simulation-based training through promoting the CSSC activities and resources. A Virtual CSSC Learning Resources Guide plays an important role by its illustrations and learning features of each manikin to facilitate the learning objectives of clinical teaching aspects of medical, healthcare students & high-fidelity simulation applications in various disciplines. CSSC used frameworks and models to elaborate steps used to create and develop simulation center-virtual/web-contents. The model chosen used after retreated independent iterative review of the selected shortlist models, this model we showed steps of website development by integrating various web tools, social media and requirements to convey CSSC activity in Simulation,
KAU-CSSC is keen to build real and effective partnerships with the media sector in order to send its message to all the beneficiaries of the services provided by the Center or through its working staffs and to deliver its community activities to the recipient through these partnerships. The Center also published in local official newspapers, websites, magazines, and newspapers external. In order to communicate the information directly to the interested people from all the categories benefiting from the services of the center
this project as part of ongoing progressive planning to develop and increase the efficiency of the website as well as development Stages of the media plan, in order to deliver a culture of learning by simulation-based education to serve the community and to promote patient safety awareness.

Project website

Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge 2019
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

  • Saudi Arabia
  • United Arab Emirates



Start date


End date

Not set


KAU-CSSC is keen to build real and effective partnerships with the media sector in order to send its message to all the beneficiaries of the services provided by the Center or through its working staffs and to deliver its community activities to the recipient through these partnerships. An interview was done with the general supervisor and deputy supervisor of the center in order to communicate his voice to the recipients of the service and beneficiaries, including the different community groups. The Center also published in local official newspapers, websites, magazines, and newspapers external. In order to communicate the information directly to the interested people from all the categories benefiting from the services of the center
KAU-CSSC working in this project as part of ongoing progressive planning to develop and increase the efficiency of the website as well as development Stages of the media plan, in order to deliver a culture of learning by simulation-based education to serve the community and to promote patient safety awareness and to be as a reference for other simulation centers who need to build digital virtual prints.


KAU-CSSC working in this project as part of ongoing progressive planning to develop and increase the efficiency of the website as well as development Stages of the media plan, in order to deliver a culture of learning by simulation-based education to serve the community and to promote patient safety awareness and to be as a reference for other simulation centers who need to build digital virtual prints and we have financial, logistics support from KAU higher executives and KAUH to sustainable working to serve the community and to promote patient safety awareness by:
* Design and implement simulation-training Programs those training techniques, equipment and enhance the Interprofessional education activities and contribute to Improvement of healthcare delivery and patient safety.
* Designing programs in order to contribute to the dissemination of safety awareness and safety among members of society in all categories and to increase the effectiveness of performance for people who are not working in the health sector when dealing with emergencies. These programs are available at CSSC website and announced by social media
* to expanding the field of simulation in healthcare locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. The members of the simulation center demonstrate a commitment to advocate for simulation education and contribute to the science, education, and leadership.
* to upon for expertise in simulation education and speaks regularly at both national and international conferences, further adding to the body of knowledge related to simulation.
* The team at CSSC collectively contributes by presenting workshops, posters, and abstracts at various simulation meetings as well as conducting national and international courses on faculty development within the simulation. The Center conducted orientation tours for the secondary school students in order to guide them to the health specialties that suit them,

WSIS values promotion

- Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all ages in the community • KAU- CSSC offers training programs in medical and health specialties using high-fidelity simulations that enhance the patient's safety and give the trainee a healthy environment for training, which reduces medical errors. by using simulation as well as other states of the art educational methods in the training and assessment of healthcare professionals and students. in order to contribute to the dissemination of safety awareness among members of society and to increase the effectiveness of performance for people who are not working in the health sector in case of emergencies. - Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all • KAU-CSSC provide all educations and programs as free of charge for all undergraduate students, KAU and KAUH staff /faculty, in addition, CSSC ensure to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls. • The Center is keen to document all of its activities, including reports published on the website, in order to enhance the concept of TQM, which aims continuously improve performance by responding to the requirements and expectations of the beneficiaries of the services provided by asking questionnaires. Therefore, the Center contains complete and comprehensive records of all its activities since it was established and documented throw CSSC website and social media. - Sustainable Development: KAU-CSSC Build a resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable foster innovation through the support of research-based on simulation • KAU-CSSC promote all support for KAU students and faculty, and to achieve these goals CSSC provide education as free of charge and disseminate information to support the education process through the website and social media to facilitate access to the center's service. • The CSSC supports research that affects providers, students, patients, and the affiliated health system. (see attached 4)

Entity name

Clinical Skills and Simulation Center-KAU

Entity country—type

Saudi Arabia Academia

Entity website


King Abdulaziz University Media Center(@Kau_media) King Abdulaziz University Public Relation (@KAU_PR) Faculty of Medicine (FOM) King Abdulaziz University Hospital (KAUH)