Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee

Knowledge Management System based on Thesaurus and Ontology


In the data era, knowledge extraction from massive data is the most important issues which bring companies and organizations in big trouble. Creating a platform to retrieve proper information from massive data is an idea to make the High-level Segment more dynamic and interactive. Also, Knowledge Management based on meta-multi-Thesauruses and Ontologies can be a good idea for semantic information retrieval. The design, implementation, and development of the KMSTO has been carried out using up to date standards and technologies. KMSTO has four sections includes thesaurus, encyclopedia, indexing, and resources that brings comprehensive tools for managing, organizing and retrieving information in any field of study and science. The thesaurus section contains organized terms based on the relationships between the concepts of sciences. The Encyclopedia section describes any term in a specialized article.  In the indexing section of the system, the resources are indexed and organized using thesaurus terms. With KMSTO everyone can have easy, free and fast access to organized information.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge 2019
  • AL C7. E-science
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 1: No poverty

  • Iran (Islamic Republic of)



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Women
  • The poor
  • Remote and rural communities
  • Researchers, Scientists


The KMSTO can be exported to other communities or regions because it's an integrated comprehensive platform with multi-language support.


In term of funding KMSTO have a long-term future and is it capable of sustaining itself once funding of it comes to an end. As the community of Thesaurus and Ontology builders grows, so too does the number of theauruses and ontologies, which thereby encourages more people to use KMSTO as a tool for accessing information. This relationship will ensure that KMSTO can grow and ultimately sustain itself.

WSIS values promotion

KMSTO provide an integrated free access to thesauruses, encyclopedias, indexes, and resources in all over the world to eliminate knowledge poverty and bring equal opportunity for all people to access original and organized information. KMSTO aslo help to free and open knwoledge dissemination.

Entity name

Islamic Sciences and Culture Academy (ISCA)

Entity country—type

Iran (Islamic Republic of) Academia

Entity website