Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee

Applications for citizen security


For the implementation of public policies, special attention was placed on the development of applications that help prevent and combat all types of violence,
particularly gender-based violence, targeting the most vulnerable groups: children, women and older adults.
Since the province of San Luis has an extensive connectivity infrastructure, Digital Signature, an Electronic Provincial Identity Card
and the conviction that this type of tools maximize digitalization of the
province and improves its citizens’ quality of life, the following
applications were developed and implemented throughout the province:
Alerta Temprana is a mobile application for Windows, Android and
IOS designed to send alerts along with geographic positioning intended for women who face risk situations. To send an alert you only need to execute the app and touch the screen for a few seconds.
Alarma Puntana is an application that works on mobile devices by facilitating and speeding up requests of different emergency services, such as informing the police, requesting an ambulance, reporting a fire, reporting violence, reporting an accident, or notifying bullying cases.
Comisaría Virtual is an app and a Website, which enables citizens of San Luis to carry out the same procedures they would do in a Police station. Both the applicant and the police authority must digitally sign the procedure.
Sumario Digital digitizes the police summary of evidence, which allows smooth and direct virtual communication between the Judicial Branch and the Police, two organizations that work closely together.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C6. Enabling environment 2019
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

  • San Luis province, Argentina



Start date


End date

Not set


The development and success of this initiative in San Luis is the result of the political decision to invest heavily, during the last 20 years, in infrastructure, connectivity, and in facilitating access to devices for the population, as well as training. This initiative is replicable successfully only in this context.


Digital Inclusion as a Fundamental Human Right, a commitment assumed by the Government of San Luis and embodied in the Provincial Constitution in 2011, guarantees the continued investment of public resources towards a more inclusive, digitized and innovative society.

WSIS values promotion

The government of San Luis promotes strong policies against the fight against poverty, the strengthening of digital inclusion, gender equality, care for the environment, among others, through multiple initiatives and public policies. The development of a connectivity infrastructure, with a fiber optic network of more than 3,260 kilometers that allows free connectivity of the entire population throughout the territory, the delivery of devices, the development of digital platforms and ICT training they contribute strongly in these purposes. States that invest in ICT and develop development police improve the quality of life of the population. To date, those who have gained the most were those who could access the digital world.

Entity name

San Luis government

Entity country—type

Argentina Government

Entity website