Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee

Intelligent Network Engineering Based on the Integration of IoT and 4G+Technology


It produces the requirements of the interconnection of all things and rapid growth of mobile data services with proposal of the national strategy of internet of things and speed-up and fee-reduction for mobile communication network. However, there were some questions in existing network, such as too many network systems, large investment in network construction, difficult network construction and expansion, etc. Multi-Network cooperative planning and network construction were developed based on big data analysis and mining technology. The cost was reduced and efficiency was improved by integration of multi-system base station and roof design, co-construction and sharing and allocation of resource on demand. The energy consumption was reduced by upgrade and replacement of GSM old equipments. The construction integrated the resources in existing network. It also considered the evolution of 5G in the future and embodied good foresight and sustainability. It adopted design and construction of unified station site and roof. Repetitive entry to construction site was avoided. Disturbance to residents were reduced. Community relationship became more harmonious. The base station construction was integrated into the city construction. The sustainable development ability and environment of network construction has been developed.

Project website

Action lines related to this project
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure 2019
  • AL C4. Capacity building
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • China



Start date

January 2017

End date

November 2017

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Older persons
  • Women
  • Indigenous and nomadic peoples
  • People with disabilities
  • The unemployed
  • The poor
  • Migrants
  • Refugees and internally displaced people
  • Remote and rural communities
  • People and things that need to use the mobile communication networks and Internet of Things.


Develop the sustainable development environment of network construction. Because of design and construction of unified station site and roof, repetitive entry to construction site was avoided. Disturbance to residents were reduced. Social harmony was promoted. The base station site roofs were designed with same style which tended to be more and more clean and beautiful, and the beautified antennas were used extensively, the base station construction was integrated into the city construction.
At the meantime, it provided a reference for the creation of the sustainable development ability and environment of new network construction. The achievements of the project can be reproduced and applied in network construction of different systems and regions.


The project aims to reduce construction investment and to improve construction efficiency, Multi-Network cooperative planning was developed based on Big Data analysis and mining technology,the base station resources in existing network were made full use, and the new resources were allocated on demand. It was high efficient based on multi-system base station and roof design, co-construction and sharing, and deployment of NB-IoT on GSM base station.
The project saving energy and reducing consumption. It was adopted that multi-system shared the same base station equipment, and the GSM old macro cellular equipments were upgraded to distributed base station. The energy consumption of base station was fully reduced.
Facilitating the sustainable development ability for network construction.
It brought energy-saving, cost-reducing and efficiency-increasing. It also brought business growth by rapid accomplishment of NB-IoT network construction and 4G network expansion based on the integration of 4G+ and NB-IoT technology. It was easy to expand and evolve by multi-network co-construction and sharing.

WSIS values promotion

The status of the base station in existing network was cleared by comprehensive combing and integration of the existing base station resources based on large data analysis and mining in base station network management center and field Survey in this project. The way of station construction by multi-system integration speeded up the successful construction of NB-IoT and 4G+network, activated the existing base station resources, reduced the investment, saved energy and reduced consumption, beautified the environment, constructed a sustainable development network. It will be a great benefit to the efficient integration and construction of 5G network in the future. The success of the project has accelerated the application and development of IoT industry and brought convenience to people's production and life. Construction site and site coordination in the project became less, this caused the reduction of disturbance to residents and complaint, the conflict between residents and builders was avoided, community harmony was strengthened. It created the new situation that the base station construction was integrated into the city construction.

Entity name


Entity country—type

China Private Sector

Entity website