Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee

Ningbo Smart City Technology Museum


Ningbo, as the pioneer of the national smart city construction, is one of the earliest cities in the country to put forward the idea of building a smart city and starting its implementation. After years of dedicated construction, a series of achievements have been achieved.
In 2018, we upgraded Ningbo Smart City Technology Museum in an all-round way to maintain a super high degree of conformity with Ningbo Smart City. At the same time, we took a global perspective and deeply integrated the advanced concepts and models of smart city construction worldwide. The theme was "wisdom dream, within reach", and the theme was "low carbon, intelligence and sustainability". In the future, Ningbo Smart City Technology Museum will continue to serve as a base for displaying and exchanging the achievements of smart city construction for Government managers, experts and scholars at all levels and for the public. Science popularization base, internship base for young students, cooperation base open to the wisdom achievement and ability of industry customers, and information and new product release base of innovative enterprises in Ningbo will further devote into the construction efficiency of Wisdom Ningbo.

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Action lines related to this project
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure 2019
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

  • China



Start date

November 2017

End date

July 2018

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Older persons
  • Women


The construction project of Ningbo Smart City Technology Museum is not the ontology of informatization construction, nor is it limited to the city informatization itself, but a set of consulting services and Exhibition schemes which are integrated with technology and management, business and policy, and run through planning,design and support. From this perspective, it provides a framework in the smart city construction process for all communities and countries to innovate in the new era.


The renovation of Ningbo Smart City Technology Museum realized based on four years' valuable experience of long-term operation, and created a new model of "one museum, two uses".
Facing the Ningbo telecommunication level, we will interpret the Group's 3.0 strategy of transformation, integrate more solutions and application products of China's (Ningbo) telecommunication smart industry, such as smart families, smart settlements and smart comprehensive governance, on the basis of the established exhibition framework, and build Ningbo's telecommunication business publicity and exhibition platform to promote deeper cooperation.
In addition, with Ningbo Smart City Technology Museum as the carrier, we will provide an open platform for new products and new applications release, existing achievements display and experience for Ningbo Municipal Government, China Telecom Group and provincial companies, key industries and large enterprise customers, so as to expand the influence of the Museum of Technology and to promote a wider range of exchanges.
Ningbo Smart City Technology Museum from the top perspective, based on the achievements of Ningbo and Ningbo Telecom Informatization Construction, presents the solutions of Ningbo Smart City Industry Informatization.

WSIS values promotion

The renovation of Ningbo Smart City Technology Museum realized based on four years' valuable experience of long-term operation, and created a new model of "one museum, two uses". Facing the level of Ningbo municipal government, we should thoroughly implement the design concept of "Wisdom Ningbo is within reach"; present the latest achievements in the fields of wisdom vegetable farm and food traceability, wisdom education, cloud hospital, intelligent manufacturing and running at most once. We should build a window for the centralized display of wisdom Ningbo construction achievements and build the Smart City Exhibition Center benchmark for the whole country. Ningbo Smart City Technology Museum takes serving Ningbo's overall strategy as its starting point, takes smart city planning as its command, and takes solutions from all walks of life as its foothold to provide information products and solutions for Government and enterprise customers.

Entity name


Entity country—type

China Private Sector

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