Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Nominee

The Popup School - A multipurpose green solution


Our Popup School, a multipurpose solution with a simple and fast implementation process, aims to be the pillar of a whole community, promoting educational and training.
Based on modular building, it can be customized to give a community exactly what it needs (a school, adult training center, medical center or community center).
Due to its flexibility and fast setup, the Popup School is the ideal solution for remote areas,
where, for instance, students have to travel long distances to attend school or older people
have to travel long distances to go to a medical appointment.
The eco-friendly construction combines state-of-the-art technology and recycled low-energy materials. The inclusion of solar panels turns the Popup School into a self-sufficient learning environment.
Our Popup School was born to promote Education and lifelong opportunities for all. These principles are perfectly aligned with the United Nations’ Global Goals for Sustainable
Economic growth and social development are closely related to the skills that a population has. With that in mind, every country should aim for its population to acquire, at least, basic
skills as a foundation for work and further learning, which can lead to remarkable dvantages, namely economic gains that consequently bring poverty reduction, social and civic participation, health improvement and gender equality.

Project website

Action lines related to this project
  • AL C4. Capacity building 2019
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

  • Angola
  • Bolivia
  • Colombia
  • Côte d'Ivoire
  • Jordan
  • Kenya
  • Mexico
  • Mozambique
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Portugal
  • South Africa
  • Timor-Leste



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Remote and rural communities
  • school communities in more than 10 countries


The Popup School incorporates a purpose design and engineering to enhance communities through Education. For its fast, relatively easy implementation and robustness, aims to be the pillars of a whole community, which means that everyone in the community can make use of it and benefit from all the resources of the space, including the access to Internet and the world of possibilities that comes with it, such as being able to communicate quickly and easily with the rest of the world.


One one hand, The Popup School concept was born to promote Education and lifelong opportunities for all. These principles are aligned with the United Nations’ Global Goals for Sustainable Development.
Economic growth and social development are closely related to the skills that a population has. With that in mind, every country should aim for its population to acquire at least basic skills as a foundation for work and further learning, which would lead to remarkable advantages, namely economic gains that would consequently bring poverty reduction, social and civic participation, health improvement, and gender equality.
On the other, the Popup School is an eco-friendly construction combined with state-of-the-art technology and recycled, low-energy materials.
Its modular construction distinguishes itself by a quick and very economical configuration, making the Popup School portable and easy to assemble and disassemble.
The inclusion of solar panels turns the Popup School into an absolutely self-sufficient learning environment.

WSIS values promotion

Through our projects in which we integrate ICT in education, we aim to contribute for the development of the individual needed skills for our children to succeed in the job market and contribute for a fairer and more sustainable communities. We are committed to bring communities closer for a better world and future for everyone!

Entity name


Entity country—type

Portugal Private Sector

Entity website