Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2020 Nominee

5G Virtual Reality Education


In this project, we integrate 5G with VR/AR/MR/Naked Eye 3D/holographic technologies to realize creative smart education applications, which brings new model to the implementation of WSIS Action Lines E-learning. This model can be replicated to different areas as it provides a structure of combing technology with education resources, which can be applied not only in urban cities but also in remote areas. The objective is to use 5G VR applications as pioneering practice of smart education to solve the existing problems in education system and thus making teaching and study process more interesting, vivid and accessible.
So far, we have developed 5G virtual reality education cloud platform, which integrates software, hardware, platform and resources, using immersive virtual reality technology to create a near-real, highly developed and interactive immersive 3D learning environment for students. We are cooperating with the Central Conservatory of Music, China, to create 5G AR instrument analysis and appreciation. It visualizes instruments in augmented reality methods, and students can get study experience in a more interesting way. This application was demonstrated in 2019 ITU Telecom World in Budapest. In future, the project will produce and introduce more education content, and create new standards, new business models and new ecosystems in smart education.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C7. E-learning 2020
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

  • China



Start date

01 January 2019

End date

31 December 2019

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Older persons
  • Women
  • The poor


For traditional teaching methods, many education resources are abstract and limited. The objective of the project is to use 5G VR applications as pioneering practice of smart education to solve the existing problems in education system, creating a near-real, highly developed and interactive immersive 3D learning environment for students, and making teaching and studying process more interesting, vivid and accessible.

The CPU, GPU and storage units in the traditional integrated VR terminal can be put on the cloud, which reduces the weight of the device, lowers the price and lays the solid foundation to replication of this application.

This model is highly replicable in other industries and countries, as it provides a combination of technology with industry, and proven to be useful. with the continuous development of emerging technology, different communities can apply the model according to specific needs.


5G technology features meet the immersive teaching requirements of virtual simulation experiments, ensuring the distribution of large content and low-latency interaction. The product combines the advantages of 5G network, MEC technology, cloud rendering technology, and collaboration technology to promote the lightweight of virtual simulation equipment. At the same time, the CPU, GPU and storage units in the traditional integrated VR terminal can be put on the cloud, which reduces the weight of the device, lowers the price and lays the solid foundation to promotion of this application.

At present, the project focuses on school customers. K12's content can be highly reused, and college/vocational education contents can be customized. In the future, we will increase proportion of paid content and advertising revenue. We will introduce rich content as the core competitiveness to establish an ecosystem with positive cycle.

WSIS values promotion

Our application applies 5G technology to strongly enable smart education, which provides learning experience for anyone anywhere at any time and brings huge welfare to people worldwide. This can be regarded as a practice of WSIS Action Lines ICT applications: E-learning.

Entity name

5G Innovation Center of China Unicom

Entity country—type

China Private Sector

Entity website


the Ministry of Education of China; the Central Conservatory of Music, China