Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2021 Champion

Greenplan - Dynamic Tour Optimization


Greenplan is a tour planning algorithm applicable for customers in the logistics and (field) service sector. The cloud-based software as a service solution aims at improving tour planning processes by applying cutting-edge mathematical optimization. A holistic planning approach helps customers in their transition from static to dynamic tour planning. Greenplan considers the overall delivery area to solve the underlying planning problem – without relying on predefined geofenced subareas. More efficient planning with less tours and shorter distances is the result. The algorithm is also capable of planning the distance between different locations in space and time.
Greenplan enables fast and robust calculations reducing manual workloads. A broad range of excellent features such as time of day dependent speed profiles or the identification of the optimal tour start time emphasizes a wide applicability. The algorithm’s operative as well as strategic excellence fosters long-term decision-making and an optimized usage of internal resources. Several use cases proved that Greenplan is more than a theoretical construct: customers upgraded their existing planning approaches through better fleet utilization, more appropriate workforce allocation and realized cost savings of up to 30%.
Greenplan serves the purpose of more sustainable logistics by substantially lowering CO2-emission. Optimized planning leads to more eco-friendly operations. Hence, customers can rely on a strong partner supporting their individual green strategies.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C7. E-business 2021
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • International



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Remote and rural communities
  • Densed cities with a traffic volum


Greenplan is applicable everywhere in the world due to it cloud-native software design.


Greenplan promotes more efficient tours in logistics and beyond. By optimizing tour planning less tours, better capacity utilization, fewer kilometers and less CO2-emission can be achieved.

WSIS values promotion

Greenplan aims at lowering delivering/ service traffic density in cities and road freight. Besides less pollution more efficient traffic flow is a consequence of this approach. Greenplan is sustainable through innovation and the use of a smart software tool. This tool is not limited to any geographic region but can be applied globally.

Entity name

Greenplan GmbH

Entity country—type

Germany Private Sector

Entity website