Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2021 Nominee

Comunidades Digitais (Digital Communities)


Digital Communities is a program of IBEBrasil that are running more than 10 years in the North of Rio de Janeiro, in rural and peripheral areas, in partnerships with public universities. This project foresee a Community Portal, that allows the community to access internet and to create a communication channel with the users, associated in the community provider. Through the self-management process of the community provider is possible to maintain the internet access and to create contents with local digital services. In this scenario, the community of Marrecas (in north of Rio de Janeiro) is feeding their local community portal with information about the prevention and fighting the pandemic, posting information to the residents of the community in how to act in face of COVID19. The local server will be prepared just in time to launch the local webTV/Radio, improving the community communication and generate more interaction with the residents. Since last year, the community internet provider of Marrecas (through the support of APC-LOCNet Grants) is expanding the network to other communities near them, like Quixaba community and in a few months Cazumba community also.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure
  • AL C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content 2021
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities

  • Brazil



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Remote and rural communities


"Community networks are replicable initiatives, existing in other parts of the world and pointed as an alternative to reduce the digital divide and to connect the unconnected, as highlighted through the IGF and ITU recommendations. There are a few documents that are talking about these initiatives in the Dynamic Coalition - Community Connectivity that address to how CNs works and how it is possible replicate it. Other repository exist in the APC and ISOC website and in the site of IBEBrasil have links and docs about these infomration also.







Yes, through the associative process created by the users to maintain the community network. Sharing the costs, without profit, allows the users to have a more cheaper price to the link and the maintenance, that is paid in a collective way.

WSIS values promotion

Information and communication infrastructure, Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content, Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all, Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

Entity name

Instituto Bem Estar Brasil (IBEBrasil)

Entity country—type

Brazil Civil Society

Entity website