Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2021 Champion

I learn the same (Aprendo Igual)

Virtual Mode


The face-to-face suspension of classes worldwide due to the COVID 19 pandemic, led to the search for alternative solutions for the continuity of learning and training, based mainly on new technologies.
In San Luis, we faced this challenge because we have the necessary infrastructure (connectivity, devices and training).
This initiative proposes a comprehensive space, with tools that facilitate the work and interaction between teachers and students throughout the province and collaborate in learning and reinforce teaching practice.
To consolidate the educational transformation project a large online educational repository is developed that presents training courses for teachers and educational platforms for students, among others.
“Aprendo Igual” is the portal for students, teachers and parents to have a single point of entry to all educational platforms from their educational email accounts, domain
In this particular context, a single virtual interaction structure was created, using digital tools, 53,897 virtual classrooms were created for more than 8,000 teachers and 129,000 pre-enrolled students in an educational management system, where the digitized information of each provincial school is located, for educational level, teacher, student.
This could be achieved because in San Luis schools have connectivity and electronic devices. In the province we have more than 95% of connected homes, 1,652 antennas, more than 4,500 km of fiber optics and an average speed of 25 Mbps, which guarantees us access to homes in all localities, including rural ones.
The result was 568 schools teaching their classes from Classroom, with 8,985 teachers generating 53,897 virtual classes.
More than 5,500 completed the Google Distance Learning course and honed their digital skills with the Digital Tools Immersion workshop over 17,000 pre-registered. Achieving that 97% of teachers educate their students online and participate in virtual classes, from 4th grade to 7th grade, of 80%.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C7. E-learning 2021
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality

  • San Luis province, Argentina



Start date

February 2020

End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • People with disabilities
  • The poor
  • Remote and rural communities
  • students of primary and secondary schools


The project is replicable because the main tool is the educational platform of Google Classroom, which brings together all the digital tools that complement the work of interaction, teaching and distance training, free, accessible worldwide.
The content and tools developed by our teams are available to articulate with other organizations or entities that wish to replicate it, considering the importance of having an infrastructure that guarantees connectivity to their students, and thus, the project can be implemented under equal conditions in any institution or related entity willing to invest in the aforementioned.


The entire process carried out is carried out in accordance with the standards of sustainable development, satisfying our needs for the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
For example, all the documentation we work with is in digital format, we do not use anything on paper, all the content is developed virtually and is available in the cloud.

WSIS values promotion

Our initiative has many objectives in common with the values ​​of WSIS, especially its C7 category. ICT applications: e-learning. Through the technological fiber optic infrastructure throughout the province, which guarantees connectivity in absolutely all schools, in addition to the initiative where we deliver technological devices to all children of 1st grade (tablet 7 ”) and 4th grade (netbooks) degree, we have the possibility of reaching with our platform to the most remote and deprived parts of our province, achieving equality and the democratization of learning. This educational tool is available to any student or teacher regardless of race, gender or socioeconomic status. We generate teacher training so that they can incorporate this tool into their classes and become a trained and certified teacher in ICT. This platform is designed in a very intuitive way so that students do not need a senior or a teacher to use it, thus motivating self-learning and intellectual self-development. All the material consulted and the recommended readings are extracted from books published in our Digital Public Library, https: // where we have more than 3000 free online universal and provincial titles available for free download.

Entity name

University of La Punta (ULP)

Entity country—type

Argentina Academia

Entity website