Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2021 Nominee

We Think Digital


The We Think Digital campaign is aimed at sensitising internet users on online safety and digital literacy. Though the sessions, the various aspects of cyber security, namely know how about technology, responsible online behaviour and security tools and principles are discussed. Our dependence on the internet is only increasing, and the COVID pandemic has forced many to shift to online modes of working. There has also been a rise in instances of misinformation being shared.
Our awareness campaigns are focused on making people aware of the growing threats in cyberspace, with special emphasis on Fighting Misinformation through our #EndInfodemic campaign.

Another objective is to promote internet usage among people who haven't started yet.
With digitisation and new trends like IOT, AI, ML, etc. being introduced in every sector, using technology is soon going to be an obligation and not a choice.
Educating people and building resilience is key.
Through the first phase, we trained over 62,000 women across six states.
In the second phase, we have already trained one 1,00,000 internet users across various states in India, over a period of 11 months.
We have seen a rise in the number of cases being received on our helplines, which indicates that people are aware of frauds being committed and want to take action. They no longer feel helpless in cyberspace.
There has also been a significant rise in users verifying information before believing and sharing it, especially fake news related to COVID 19.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C4. Capacity building 2021
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 5: Gender equality

  • India



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Women


With the world of technology changing every minute, it is essential that netizens are made aware of the upcoming threats as well as the ways to keep oneself safe online. India has a population of 1.3 billion, and an internet penetration rate of only 40%. Therefore, talking about cybersecurity is the need of the hour. The first and second phases of the We Think Digital Initiative have been a grand success. We will launch the next phase soon, to promote digital literacy and online safety among the masses.

WSIS values promotion

Our dependence on technology has increased, and with the changing trends, it’s only going to increase. Being able to make the most of what technology has to offer is possible only when netizens are sensitised. Our capacity building campaign focuses precisely on this. From know-how about technology, to understanding responsible online behaviour, and important safety and security tools and principles, our workshops train the participants on all these aspects. Through the first two phases, we have sensitised over 1,62,000 netizens already. We aim to promote the usage of ICT tools in every house, institution and community through our initiatives

Entity name

CyberPeace Foundation (CPF)

Entity country—type

India Civil Society

Entity website


National Commission for Women, Facebook and Autobot Infosec