Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2021 Nominee

Coding Academy of Jerusalem


Coding Academy of Jerusalem is the first of its kind in East Jerusalem specialized in IT training. We built the Coding Academy of Jerusalem to get a majority of the public in East Jerusalem to learn, understand and love IT in its different fields and to solve the following identified problems: 1. Children & youth spend long time on mobile phones. 2. Minimum IT level among Jerusalem students. 3. In most schools, one technology lesson, 45 minutes per week. 4. Unfamiliarity with new technology i.e. Mac, IoT, Bigdata. 5. Absence of technology centers teaching programming. 6. Expensive trainings, when available. 7. For groups of children & youth in the same community, it’s difficult to commute to centers across Jerusalem. CAJ provides both curricular and extracurricular trainings, courses and workshops to address students’ needs and get them to the desired level of IT and computer literacy.
1. Improve the students’ level in IT and computer literacy
2. Expand on the curricular and extracurricular activities outside the typical classroom
3. Provide the students with the needed IT skills
4. Provide an IT environment outside the school to expand on the curricular
5. Provide the students the best IT environment including software and trainers to allow them to get creative
6. Get the students exposed and interested in a different IT fields i.e. graphic design, programming, robotics, animation.
7. Computer literacy for older trainees
CAJ works with a number of target groups to maximize its benefits as the following
A. Youth 4-12th grade: MS Office course (Word, Excel and Power point), SketchUp, Scratch, Intro to Arabic & English fast typing, App Inventor, Intro to Mac operating system, Robotics WeDo2 & Ev3, Arduino Uno.
B. 8-12th grade students: web programming PHP, JAVA, CSS, HTML; Graphic Design: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Movie making using different tools and techniques; Programming: C++ , JAVA, Python; Mobile programming: Android, iOS.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4. Capacity building 2021
  • AL C7. E-learning
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

  • Palestine



Start date

02 June 2018

End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth


The project is replicable and we would love to open new branches in the different cities of West Bank but we are unable due to shortage of financial resources.


This is a sustainable project with even outreach with no discrimination whatsoever.

WSIS values promotion

The project contributes to information and knowledge sharing of ICTs, increasing the level of computer literacy and provides for learning opportunities for the students from primary to high school levels. By raising the level of IT skills acquired by students the project contributes to economic growth and sustainable development goals.

Entity name

Coding Academy of Jerusalem (CAJ)

Entity country—type

Palestine Academia

Entity website


Palestine Polytechnic University