Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2021 Nominee

The official web-site of Budgetary Environmental Protection Institution “Mosecomonitoring”


Official website of the Budgetary institution of the Moscow city Government “Mosecomonitoring” ( was upgraded and resumed functioning in March 2018 as the official source of data on air quality in Moscow.
The data on 16 analyzed pollutants received from 54 automatic air pollution control stations located in Moscow is aggregated in real time in the Unified City Environmental Monitoring Database. For the convenience of users data are visualized as the interactive map.
Mosecomonitoring publishes online:
- Weather data from the Ostankino TV tower , the tallest building in Europe and Russia: wind speed, pressure, humidity, range of visibility, air temperature,
- Information on weather conditions preventing the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere received from temperature profilers every 10 minutes in real time.
Ecologists, public organisations, international community (for example ranking agencies) as well as Moscow citizens, interested in environmental issues are the main users of the site.
The site has attracted attention - the average number of visitors of is 8 000 per month.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C7. E-environment 2021
  • AL C9. Media
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
  • Goal 13: Climate action

  • Moscow, Russian Federation



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Older persons
  • Women
  • People with disabilities
  • The entire population of Moscow

Replicability has a flexible architectural solution that will allow to scale the technical solution with minimal modifications to other regions of Russia.
To scale the project, it is also necessary to develop a network of air pollution control stations.


The site attracts attention of the citizens of Moscow to the environmental issues.
The innovativeness of the Mosekomonitoring website is reflected in its very concept, the main components of which are:
• Socially significant information - openness and accessibility.
• Convenience and simplicity of use – intuitive interface, choice of form to represent up-to-date information (reports, tables, interactive map).
• Opportunity to participate in an interactive survey on the site and report any odours.
The project is financed be the budget of Moscow.

WSIS values promotion

The was developed to meet the demand in up-to-date, reliable and open information about the air quality in such a big city as Moscow. Both professionals and ordinary citizens can get reliable information about the air quality in Moscow, the presence of certain pollutants in it, wind speed, pressure, visibility range, dispersion conditions and much more as well as the measurements of each automatic air pollution control station at any time of the day. In 2019, online broadcasts of the most interesting events in the field of ecology in Moscow from video surveillance cameras became available on the site, also residents got opportunity to participate in interactive surveys.

Entity name

JS-Company "Electronic Moscow" (E-Moscow)

Entity country—type

Russian Federation Government

Entity website


Budgetary Environmental Protection Institution of Government of Moscow Mosecomonitoring: Lezina Elena Email: Tel: +7 (495) 691-93-92, Fax: +7 (495) 691-93-92 ext. 0 Moscow, Novy Arbat, 11, building 1.