Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2023 Nominee



Mission and main goal: Providing the population with food in the context of restrictive government measures aimed at countering the spread of COVID-19
In 2020 most countries have enforced severe restrictions on movement, social contact, and access to public spaces across the board to limit the spread of COVID-19.

However, restrictive measures also affected farmers and other agribusiness entities that provide the population with food and foodstuffs.

Thus, in April 2020, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.K. Tokayev was instructed to ensure the unhindered crossing of quarantine zones for farmers and other agribusiness entities.

In this regard, the IAC in a short time developed and launched the electronic service AGRORUQSAT, which allows farmers to form an application for a pass online, while the service automatically verifies the data on the applicant from about 15 state databases, information on the pass is automatically transferred to the checkpoints.

The introduction of the service made it possible to avoid direct contact between farmers and government agencies, eliminated the need to travel to administrative centers and provide paper documents, thereby eliminating the risk of the spread of COVID-19.

Since 2020, 230,374 passes have been issued, of which 184,914 for farmers, 45,460 for other agribusiness entities, 149,809 passes for vehicles and agricultural machinery have also been issued.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C6. Enabling environment 2023
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 2: Zero hunger
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Kazakhstan



Start date

10 April 2020

End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Remote and rural communities
  • Agricultural producers, industries and services that provide agriculture with the means of production involved in the processing, transportation, storage of agricultural raw materials


The coronavirus pandemic that humanity faces in 2020 will not be the last. This was stated by the Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO) Tedros Ghebreyesus in a video message timed to coincide with the International Day of Anti-Epidemic Preparedness, celebrated on December 27. Thus, the use of the principles of building this project and its implementation goals will be relevant in the future.

At the same time, the project can be expanded by using it by subjects of other countries or replicating the implementation experience with the advisory support of team members and partners.
According to our estimates, the introduction of such services will increase the efficiency and precision of measures to combat pandemics.


The high degree of sustainability of the project is determined by the following factors:
1.Proactive GOVERNMENT POLICY on digitalization of industries

2. Sustainable PARTNERSHIPS with internationally recognized partners (Transtelecom Airbus, Vander Sat, DTN, Swiss re, Syngenta, etc.).

3. INTEGRATION with 20+ systems and databases (Ministries of Justice, Finance, Agriculture, Internal Affairs, National Bank, second-tier banks, etc.).

4. EFFECTIVE WORKED TEAM of architects, analysts and developers with experience in creating and developing more than 4 digital platforms for the ministries of finance and agriculture, the National Bank.

The operator of the AGRORUQSAT project is JSC IAC, established in 1993 as a financial institution with 100% state participation and is a single operator in the field of state property.

It should be noted that the AGRORUQSAT project is implemented on the digital platform for business, while the platform itself has no analogues in the world in terms of the totality and variety of implemented projects in the G&B and B&B format.

WSIS values promotion

The project as a whole is unique in its kind: the project offers the society unprecedented principles, methods and technologies for breakthrough and sustainable development of agriculture at levels that meet modern requirements. The constant consistent development of the project attracts many professionals and technocrats from all spheres of society development: (science, politics, economics, etc.) and key sectors: industry, IT-industry, education, agriculture, etc. Effective interaction of interested professional partners has a multiplier effect on the development of society as a whole: on the one hand, it stimulates and encourages the development of lagging industries and spheres, and on the other hand, it poses “challenges” for partners for transformation and movement forward. It should also be noted that the strategy for the development of agriculture has changed under the influence of the further development of the digital land monitoring project. However, we believe that in order to achieve the highest goals of society's development, it is important to mobilize all available resources, for which key representatives of government (national and local), civil society and other key figures (actors) should interact in the community.

Entity name

Joint Stock Company "Information and Accounting Center" (IAC)

Entity country—type

Kazakhstan Government

Entity website