Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2022 Nominee

Development of IT infrastructure and IT entrepreneurship of IT Park

Start local and go global


IT Park is aimed at the widespread development of IT in the country, the development of infrastructure. IT Park is a technology park operating in the field of IT. A place where active and talented people turn their ideas into real business projects due to the availability of modern technical infrastructure, financial and scientific support. The main goal is to promote the accelerated development of the IT industry in the regions, as well as creating favorable conditions for the development and production of competitive IT products and services, promoting them in domestic and foreign markets, stimulating innovative developments, providing residents with the necessary infrastructure in the regions, training population and youth in order to form a modern class of highly qualified specialists, holding master classes, trainings and advanced training courses. To date, 8 branches of the IT Park have been opened throughout the country, by the end of 2022 it is planned to open 14 branches, and 205 IT Centers have been opened throughout the Republic - small premises in each region of the country to provide IT infrastructure.
Also, for the effective development of IT infrastructure, there is close cooperation with universities, which open incubation centers.
The total area of IT centers and IT branches is about 65 496 sq.m.
The main goal of creating an incubation center is the passion for the quality and quantity of innovative projects being created among talented youth. At the moment, 26 incubation centers have been opened, 10 in the capital and 16 in the regions. Now 14 incubation programs have been implemented in the incubation centers. 163 student projects (about 500 people) have already been trained in incubation programs aimed at IT development. From universities as financial support for student projects that successfully completed the incubation program.
Universities, where incubation centers are open, have the direction of IT in education.
The total area of the incubation centers is about 2 000 sq.m.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development 2022
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 1: No poverty
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

  • Uzbekistan



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Older persons
  • Women
  • Indigenous and nomadic peoples
  • People with disabilities
  • The unemployed
  • The poor
  • Remote and rural communities


It is possible to open branches in the regions, which will give us the formation of a modern class of highly qualified specialists, as well as the creation of favorable conditions for the development of the development and production of competitive products and services in the IT field. There is also the prospect of opening incubation centers in other universities. There are about 15 universities in Uzbekistan. The project is also aimed at international cooperation.


This project is supervised by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan

WSIS values promotion

The project supports the principles of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, and common responsibility. Since equal conditions are created for the development of IT throughout the country.

Entity name

IT Park Uzbekistan

Entity country—type

Uzbekistan Government

Entity website