Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2022 Champion

ICT Training specialists

Programadores 4.0


The main objective of this program is the training of people with solid knowledge, so that they can be successfully inserted in the labor field, ensuring the acquisition of the skills required by it, through an adequate sequencing and integration of concepts, the application of methodologies and tools focused on software development, using free platforms and strategies that emphasize intensive experimental practice.
The Covid -19 pandemic accelerated the digital transformation process, and increased the demand for specialized profiles linked to software development and process digitization.While employment at the national level fell by 7% in the last three years, in the field of software it grew by 21%, and there are still some 10,000 unfilled positions.
Part of the solution to ending the shortage of specialized profiles lies in the teaching of digital skills to students from primary to higher education.
The creation of new education programs represents an opportunity for the inhabitants of the province of San Luis to have access to free platforms and to get specialization.
Since 2017, the Province of San Luis is implementing a process of massive training called "Programadores 4.0" (Programmers 4.0) that aims at helping children, adolescents and adults acquire the necessary skills to be “Technology makers”. This initiative was strengthen in 2018 when teachers were offered training in programming.
Based on the good results obtained, with a total number of 29,275 trained people, an intensive stage of free, virtual, higher training was projected in 2019. So, the degree of University Technician in Software Development, with a duration of 2 years and a half, started to be offered. There were 2,201 applicants, 651 active students and 94 graduates by 2021.
As a concrete result, the province has increased registered employment in software by 27% (2019-2020), leading the growth rate of the entire Argentine Republic, which on average was 11%.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4. Capacity building
  • AL C7. E-learning
  • AL C7. E-employment 2022
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • the entire province of San Luis, Argentina



Start date

May 2017

End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Older persons
  • Women
  • Indigenous and nomadic peoples
  • People with disabilities
  • The unemployed
  • The poor
  • Migrants
  • Refugees and internally displaced people
  • Remote and rural communities
  • the entire population of the province of San Luis


In San Luis, we work to make sure that every project framed in public management policies be available to the whole population and can be replicated in other places. The registration of the processes to carry out the present undertaking, as well as the certification with ISO quality standards and the experience of the team in charge of the Universidad de La Punta to train professionals can be shared and applied in other places and with other professionals, depending on the certifications required in other parts of the world.

The main reason for its replication is the firm belief that society has the right to quality and free university education regardless of place of residence. Thus, it is important that the institution, province or country that intends to replicate this program provide the infrastructure required to guarantee connectivity, availability of devices and training to its inhabitants.

The project is fully replicable and other provinces and regions have taken note of the results obtained and are implementing similar policies or making agreements with the Universidad de la Punta. In fact, the federal government itself implemented a national program (Argentina Programa) based on the same foundations and taking this experience as a model. This national project aims at training the more than 700,000 people registered to date.


The entire process is carried out in accordance with the standards of sustainable development, meeting our present needs and without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The whole admission process to the program -enrollment, registration and documentation- was digitized. The teaching-learning process and the teacher-student interaction are carried out on-line in theoretical subjects, with full access to the online study materials available in the University e-learning platform.
The project is sustainable because the program was adapted to the needs of the local industry and since it is taught virtually by the university itself, it can be continued throughout the years. In addition, the graduates themselves can be tutors of the new applicants.

WSIS values promotion

The University Technical Qualification in Software Development promotes many of the WSIS values in the community by: ● Guaranteeing quality and accessible education for the entire population. ● Improving quality of life. ● Offering digital transformation and gap reduction. ● Providing access to information and knowledge. ● Satisfying people’s needs and demands with innovative and inclusive proposals for society. ● Fostering digital inclusion and promotion of the use of e-learning platforms and access to online educational material. ● Shortening distances with the curricular proposal of blended university teaching, with an intuitive design platform, fostering students’ self-learning, stimulating their intellectual development, and achieving time flexibility, respect for family and work life and reduction in the cost of the university program. ● Attaining the goal of digital integration based on the Province's investment in free connectivity, delivery of e-devices to children, teenagers, adults and the elderly, without distinction of race, sex or socioeconomic level. This allows access to education to people living in all villages and towns, even the most distant and deprived ones, and connectivity is ensured to every single person. ● Promoting gender equality, equal opportunities and women empowerment.

Entity name

Universidad de La Punta (ULP)

Entity country—type

Argentina Academia

Entity website