Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2023 Nominee

Electronic Mediation System

Realization of mediation services completely in an electronic environment


The Mediation System serves as an alternative, free and transparent solution for disputes before and after the court. Digital Mediation aims to carry out this process completely electronically.

In the Mediation System, 3,607,000 files have been created electronically since the system was started to be implemented. 1,716,000 of these files resulted in an agreement without resorting to litigation in civil courts.
In addition, between March 2020 and March 2022, when the covid-19 pandemic was intensely felt in our country, 787.985 of 1,609,027 applications were resolved electronically without the parties coming together physically.
The e-Mediator Mobile Application used by the mediators and the Mediator Portal, the Citizen Portal and the Lawyer Portal applications used by the parties, work integrated and form the digital pillars of the process. It was made possible for the stakeholders to complete their meetings with the teleconference method, to sign the final minutes document with an electronic signature in the digital environment and to transfer it to the system.
Thanks to the Digital Realization of the Mediation System, for all stakeholders involved in the process; positive gains have been achieved in terms of time, energy and economics, as well as factors such as trust in the concept of justice for other segments of the society, awareness of protecting the environment and social peace.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure
  • AL C6. Enabling environment 2023
  • AL C7. E-government
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Türkiye (Republic of)



Start date


End date

Not set


It is a project that can be used by any country that wants legal disputes to be resolved at or before the court.


It is a sustainable project as it is beneficial for all segments of society in terms of time, energy, economy and environment.

WSIS values promotion

The Mediation System operates within the Enabling Environment, which is among the WSIS lines of action. It has become a pioneering project in terms of alternative disputes in WSIS values, thanks to the fact that the project is carried out in a completely digital environment, preventing paper waste, establishing an inclusive and peaceful social order, and strengthening the trust of stakeholders through information and communication technologies. In the mediation process, no entity other than the parties and the mediator has any information about the content of the process. This situation creates the awareness of the parties that their information is stored in a reliable environment while using the system. As a result, WSIS values ​​find a very important response in the society through our project.

Entity name

Directorate General for Information Technologies, Ministry of Justice (MoJ DGIT)

Entity country—type

Türkiye (Republic of) Government

Entity website