Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2023 Nominee

AT&T Accessibility Strategy


In alliance with the Mexican civil society organization, AT&T have launched different campaigns and initiatives:

One of these initiatives is the first 100% accessible news program in Mexico: Yo También TVo. Yo También, with the support of AT&T Mexico, produces this news spot that is available weekly on the organizations’ social media. The news program includes subtitles and interpretation in Mexican Sign Language (LSM). Since its premiere and until November 2022, over 46 million people have watched Yo También TVo.

Another important initiative is a dictionary launched by Yo También and AT&T titled: “What’s the Word for…? From A to Z. The First Dictionary to Report, Write, and Tell Stories on Disability Issues.." This dictionary is a guide to writing about disability: correct terms, non-discriminatory language, tips and good practices, and even legal frameworks that can help understand the importance of considering and portraying disability as part of the human diversity. Recently, three new versions of this dictionary were launched by the two organizations. One of easy reading, for people with intellectual disability, and the other 2 aimed for kids in preschool and elementary school. With these new versions, AT&T and Yo También seek to teach children and all those people who need easy-to-read texts to see disability as something natural and thus contribute to eliminating the biases that lead to discrimination.

Finally, with the purpose of promoting technology as a way of improving the lives of people with disabilities, AT&T Mexico and Yo También presented a social media campaign on information about accessibility and disability in order to spread information the use of apps that people with disabilities may use to live more independently. Plus, the materials address general disability issues, hard data and types of disability in order to contribute to raising awareness.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C9. Media 2023
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

  • International



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • People with disabilities


For these initiatives we the power of leverage technology and social media to have a broader impact and reach more people, not only in Mexico but also in every country. The news program is broadcasted online, and the dictionaries and the social media campaign could be downloaded from AT&T Mexico and Yo También websites.

WSIS values promotion

These initiatives promote equality, solidarity, tolerance and shared responsibility not only regarding people with disabilities but also for all the people.

Entity name

AT&T Mexico (AT&T México)

Entity country—type

Mexico Private Sector

Entity website


Yo También (NGO) - Bárbara Anderson (